Tuesday, December 24, 2019
My Birthday Celebrations - Original Writing - 995 Words
My birthday celebrations have always been of epic proportion. I was known to have the grandest parties a small town could imagine. I’d have balloons, decorations, a photographer, (yes a photographer) a DJ, and all my friends which made each birthday unique and special. I ve had friends travel over two hours just to partake in my soirees they were just that amazing. I had planned for all my parties with exact precision and care. This time was slightly different as it was my 40th year; my plan was to go all out. Somewhere deep inside, I could feel this year would be different, almost life-defining, and indeed it was. I painfully stepped into my forties with the reality that I was losing friends. This truth, as shocking as it was, did not happen overnight as the tapestry of my world had been changing for a period time. Many of my lifelong friends, in the past, could not go a day without us talking. As time passed and personalities evolved, we barely spoke. I found weekend parties or even simple lunch dates no longer happen. I initially, attributed the distance to my moving thirty miles away. As time stretched from months to years, I realized that our lives and interests were merely drifting apart. Many of the women I had been friends with since third, fourth, and eighth grade no longer RSVP for my epic events. I sadly turned forty realizing that best friends forever was more of a clichà © than true. The reason friendships end can be for a multitude of reasons. In myShow MoreRelatedAnita Desai : An Indian Novelist2023 Words  | 9 Pagesbest ones being Fasting, Feasting , The Village By The Sea , In Custody , and Clear Light of Day . Her distinct style of writing, her original characters and her realistic subject-line is what made her writings so endearing. Over the years, Desai won many awards and recognition for her work and was shortlisted for the Booker Prize twice. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Mothers Free Essays
The parent teacher meeting is an activity which fosters good interaction between the parents of the children and the school teachers. Most of the time, these interactions provide very beneficial effects to the total welfare of the students. Apparently, there are three major groupings which can be observed among mothers who attend these kinds of meetings-the â€Å"social†, â€Å"reserved†and the â€Å"unconcerned†. We will write a custom essay sample on Mothers or any similar topic only for you Order Now The social mother is the one who actually has all the energy in order to completely devote herself to the parent-teacher meeting. In terms of expenses, she actually manages to impart more amounts of money that what is required in fulfilling a project for the benefit of the whole class, in effect of her child. She is always willing to participate in upcoming school activities. It is also a fact that this type of mother will commit right away at the earliest possible time to an activity which is still to be scheduled. When it comes to interactions with the teacher, she always manages to ask questions about the performance of her child. To get more information, and possibly some commendations from the teacher is her prized reward. The next type of a mother who attends parent-teacher meetings is the reserved one. This kind of mother pays the exact amount needed in order to fund a certain school project. When it comes to school activities, she does not commit right away but will make sure that the teacher will be able to know her compliance as soon as possible. Although she manages to go to school activities, the intention is to serve as the guardian for her child and not for any other reasons. In terms of interacting with the teacher, this kind of mother will just accept whatever the teacher will tell her about the child and would not dare elaborate more about his performance. She will just take into considerations whatever advices the teacher would give. The last type is the unconcerned mother. Since she considers her child’s welfare less of a priority, she is the one who will always complain about the expenses to be incurred for school projects; would even demand for a detailed breakdown of where the money contribution is going to be used. When it comes to school activities’ planning, this type of a mother will almost always give out reasons just to skip those important child-parent interactions in school. These reasons are closed ended and would take no other course but to deny the invitation for a school activity. The unconcerned mother would not even care to talk to her child’s teacher for any other info about his performance in class. It is very clear that doing so is just a waste of time for her. Motherly care is considered to be the most effective factor in bringing up a well rounded child. Programs such as the parent-teacher meetings will definitely provide some more good avenues to improve whatever the conditions of school children are based on the assessment of the teachers. The three groups of mothers who attend the parent-teacher meetings in schools are the core individuals who will practically influence how their respective child will develop to become good citizens.           How to cite Mothers, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Global Trends in Oil & Gas Markets
Question: Discuss about development in oil and gas retail industries? Answer: Introduction Oil and Gas retail industry is considered analogous to the circulatory system of the human body. Both of these elements represent a most crucial part of the energy sector as well as the backbone of the countrys economy. The oil and gas industry in the UK is a mature one and the country remains a self-sufficient one in oil and gas. Being a crucial sector in the country, it has greatly succeeded in fulfilling the energy needs of the country (Energy Digital, 2012). Both the economic and social factors prevailing in the country, separately has an influential impact on the Oil and Gas Retail Industries. Talking about the scenario of the developing countries, a small mistake committed by these industries can cost them and the whole country, a very huge amount. This mistake could occur when the industry drives its entire focus solely on reducing the costs and spending. When such a strategy is applied in a wide range of market conditions, they prove to be rarely effective enough to make the current business successful over a long-term. The following sections are precisely written to analyze the factors affecting the present status of this sector and how the rising price of oil in global and local markets affects the progress of this industry. Another important discussion to be made here is of the substantial impact of developments in the technology sector of the UK on the growth rate of the energy retailing industry of the country (Doshi Corrigan, 2015). The factors prevailing in the country, has no notable impact, when considered separately. Rather, all these factors work in coalition to evaluate the true powers of this emerging sector, in situations of economic and other related turmoil. Factors affecting the Energy Retailing Industry The factors affecting the energy retail industry are in a great number. This sector being the strongest, among all the other sectors in the UK, is directly and indirectly affected by a number of external and internal factors. For instance, national and global economic conditions have always been an influential factor that can easily change the growth patterns of the industry. The changing patterns in these economies have a potential to heighten the operational risks in this sector, which could be tackled only by adopting transforming measures that can minimize the adverse outcomes of these risks. The industry has never worked only for its own benefit, but has taken numerous steps to uplift the transport capacity, industrial and chemical production, agriculture sector, etc. The political parties, owning and ruling the continent, have a great influence on all the activities related to these sectors. It is the political parties only which decide that with whom the parent country will es tablish a strong export-import business and with whom there will be no trading activities. National political factors are represented majorly by the grade of authority of the state, political parties and NGOs (Energydigital Team, 2011). This grade of authority of the state represents the power of the government over the society, economy, technology and law. As the majority of the political powers in the UK tend to work in the favor of the energy retailing sector, yet, excessive involvement may lead to development of aversion among the members of the industry against the ones in the rule and even can cease the growth rate of the sector. The financial crisis, the country has faced and is likely to face in future, has a capability to have a negative impact on the companies associated with this sector and the entire population of the country (Ogj Team, 2016). This crisis could force the companies and people to cut on their costs or to become insolvent. The direct impact of this could be seen as the reduction in the economic activities across the world which would eventually make the demand for transport to fall. Talking about the social factors, the population of the UK, like all the other people in the world, has never been against the use of the Oil, the Gas and its related products. The entire population considers developments in the energy retailing sector as the necessity for the growth and development of the society as a whole. But, the UK, being one of the highest ranked developed countries, cannot consider the growing rate of this sector more important than the environment protection and hence imposes a number of rules and norms on these industries in order to depict the eco-friendly relation of its population. These norms may be either in the form of the imposition of a pollution fee or in the form of a pollution reduction law. The population of the developed nations, like the UK, has a tendency to exploit any of the available resources to the fullest, wh ich results in diminishing of the energy or other related resources for the future generation (ECON, 2007). Most of the areas in the country are occupied by the urban inhabitants and hence, Urbanization is yet another factor that has a powerful influence on the energy retailing sector. This is majorly due to an obvious reason that the urban population has a great tendency of consuming more energy resources for transportation or electrical supply than the rural population. Rising Crude Oil Prices and its impact on Energy Retailing Sector Every time the crude oil prices rise, it carries a potential with itself to shake the grounds of the economists and of the financial market analysts. Similarly, a substantial impact is observed in the energy retailing sector as this sector is closely aligned with the economic ups and downs of the crude oil segment of the energy sector. Crude oil has always been a great influencing factor in the gasoline prices. A rise in oil prices has a tendency to increase the countrys currency and hence pave numerous chances to be dragging on exporters. In a broader perspective, the foremost and biggest negative impact of rise in the crude oil prices is on the trade and fiscal deficit scenario, as the maximum of the consumption of crude is met through imports. A negative impact will be observed on the oil and gas based industries. Other potential beneficiaries are automobile industry, transportation sector petrochemicals, etc. As the UK possesses maximum of its population in the form of urban crow ds, hence, a hike in the oil prices will not draw the population away from the energy retailing sector as they heavily rely on the products and services provided by this sector (John Fish, 2012). Future Impacts of Technological Change on the Energy Retailing Sector Technology has always been a crucial factor in the growth and development of any big or small economic sector of a country. Talking about the oil and gas retail sector, then technology here is responsible for having a great influence from inside the industry. This could be possible by creating an urge for the sector to acquire the latest technologies and techniques. Before discussing the potential benefits of technology on the energy retailing sector, there should be a discussion on, why theres a need of technological reformations in the energy retail sector and whether the sector can flourish in the absence of such reforms (LUKOIL team, 2013). By looking over the current status of this sector in the UK and simultaneously comparing it with the energy retail sectors of the developed countries, it is quite clear that the UK needs to adopt the latest trending technological reformations to keep a pace with the other global leaders. The trends, if well understood and implemented, carry a potentiality to transform all the drawbacks of the energy retailing sector into a number of boons for the countrys economy. The technological reformations could have a beneficiary impact on the exploration and exploitation process, in the transportation, storage and refineries department, in introduction of enhanced marketing strategies, in developing new products and services and in reducing the production-time accompanied with the reduction in the loss occurring during the product formation process (Bennett, Coleman Co. Ltd. , 2014). With the development of new softwares and hardwares, the energy retailing sector could enhance the efficiency of its managers and their subordinates by minimizing maximum of the manual work and replacing it with the latest tools and machineries. This could be further helpful in driving the skilled human resources to some other segments of the sector, which could either be marketing or could be sales. The technological reformations could also aid the energy sector in the expansion of its production units and developing a close contact within them for a good coordination. The rate, at which the technology is evolving at present, shows that there will be a time when the reformations made in this sector will lead to the formation of certain kinds of complimentary or substitutable products for the energy retailing sector. The concept of complementary and substitutable products is prevalent in the present era too, but the people have not readily accepted this concept till now. The complementary products have a capability to influence the demands for gas and oil by introducing technologies that will reduce the consumption of these energy resources or replace them with other potential substitutable products. The substitutable products that could accelerate the growth of the energy retailing sector, mainly includes the by-products of the rest of the energy industry like the coal industry, the natural-gas industry, the nuclear and biomas s industry, the hydro and other renewable energy related industry. Any sort of advances, whether big or small, promises a great solution to some of the biggest problems in the oil and gas retailing sector in the UK (The Canadian Press , 2014). A new advancement being made in the technology field is the development and implementation of brand new seismic radar software that could help the producers identify the energy resource rich spots in the earth. The maximum is the production, the maximum would be the availability of these energy resources in the energy retailing sector (Reynolds, 2005). The hydraulic pulsing accompanied with the reduction in the water use with water-free fracturing technologies could also aid in stimulating the oil and gas flow easily and smoothly. According to the leading researchers, the effects of the all these technological advances will eventually get magnifies because at present the producers are adopting advanced analytical tools to gain insights from th e available data and apply it in the most effective form to gain the best possible lucrative outcomes. The next decade promises the incorporation of products made out of nano-engineering techniques in the oil and gas industry. The nano-tech particles have the potential to increase the strength and weight ratio of pipelines, making them more durable. Conclusion The energy retailing sector in the UK is affected by a number of factors and it has become equally important to keep a fine balance among all these factors. The UK, being a developed nation, has constantly made an effort to evaluate these factors and their potential influence on the energy retailing sector of the company (Power Line Services, Inc, 2014). This has been considered crucial as the evaluation of these factors unveils all the possible opportunities and threats to the energy retailing sector. As the competition across the globe is continuously growing, hence, the country also needs to identify all the possible technological reformations that it could adopt in the coming decade to keep it running in the race. The race, that eventually promises to attain the growth and prosperity in all the sectors of the country and simultaneously aids in developing a livable place for all its countrymen. Bibliography Bennett, Coleman Co. Ltd. , 2014. Fall in crude prices and its impact on various sectors. Fall in crude prices, 15 October. Doshi, V. Corrigan, J., 2015. 2015 Oil and Gas Trends. [Online] Available at: https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/perspectives/2015-oil-gas-trends ECON, D., 2007. What are the possible causes and consequences of higher oil prices on the overall economy?. possible causes and consequences of higher oil prices on the overall economy, November. Energy Digital, 2012. Factors that Could Threaten the Oil Gas Industry in the Future. Factors that Could Threaten the Oil Gas Industry in the Future, 14 october. Energydigital Team, 2011. Top 20 Risk Factors Facing the Oil Gas Industry. Risk Factors Facing the Oil Gas Industry, 30 June. John Fish, 2012. The Global Energy Retailing Revolution, Melbourne, Australia: Price Waterhouse Coopers. LUKOIL team, 2013. Global Trends In Oil Gas Markets TO 2025, s.l.: LUKOIL. Ogj Team, 2016. UNCONVENTIONAL OIL GAS. [Online] Available at: https://www.ogj.com/index.html Power Line Services, Inc, 2014. THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE ENERGY INDUSTRY. IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGY ON THE ENERGY INDUSTRY, 18 April. Reynolds, A., 2005. Oil Prices: Cause and Effect. Oil Prices, 23 June. The Canadian Press , 2014. Rising oil prices: Bad news for consumers, good news for Canadian oil industry. Rising oil prices, 24 June.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company
Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company is faced with a unique business environment because of various changing business trends and dynamics. Currently, the company is faced with a challenge of integrating its product line (Sharp and Yang, 2001, p. 9). In addition, the management has to decide whether to outsource its major processes or make them internally. It should be known that the company has had limited success as far as international expansion is concerned and this is major concern.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These are situations that are currently facing the company and because of their urgency, they are supposed to be evaluated and looked at for long term sustainability. The company has had limited success with its international expansion program and that is why it needs to work on its supply chain. To manage their supply chain in futu re, they should first of all sort out their liquidity issues to give it an upper hand in the market (Hugos, 2006, p. 13). Because the auto industry has a lot of competition, they should come up with good measures to involve various supply chain stakeholders for sustainability. As much as the company has been actively involved in expansion programs, they have not been successful. In this case, the company needs to go on the drawing board to evaluate its currents strategies that have not worked. At this stage, it will not be advisable for the company to go on with its expansion plans (Harwit, 2001, p. 21). Instead, it should focus on current projects to gain economies of scale. This will give it a competitive advantage to compete well in the market before it can think of future expansion plans. Economies of scale are necessary in the auto industry because it has high costs of production and companies need to be strategic in their decisions and ideas to succeed. Therefore, at this stag e in the company’s life, it needs to first of all establish itself before it can think of going international (Kenworthy, 2004, p. 14). Should the company decide to expand because this is still an open option, it should focus its attention on buying equipment instead of subcontracting. If the company buys its own equipment, it will be in a good position to satisfy the market without straining. This is because subcontracting is expensive and might have various shortcomings that can end up affecting the company’s operations. The company should be able to produce enough products that will satisfy different consumer needs and this can only be achieved if they are in charge of their own production activities (Hugos, 2006, p. 26). In the long run, they will be able to know where and when to supply their products. Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company has a great potential in the market and should look for enough funds to enhance its supply chain and come up with effective stra tegies (Sharp and Yang, 2001, p. 16). Before the company decides to expand to a new market, it should critically evaluate it to avoid any supply chain constraints. By looking for investors through good funding initiatives, the company will be in a good position to finance its supply chain and this is a competitive advantage.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The only weakness with such an option can be seen in various demands that the new investors will likely come up with. As a matter of fact, the company should evaluate its business strategies because they have not been effective. This can be proved from the fact that its international expansion program has had limited success (Georgano, 2003, p. 23). By reviewing its business strategies, the company will be able to align itself strategically in the market. In this case, it needs to attract new talent and this may end up bei ng costly (Hugos, 2006, p. 34). All these aspects have a high probability of success because they will have a positive impact on the company’s operations. As a matter of fact, the management is committed to ensure that the company is successful. Reference List Georgano, G, N. (2003). Cars: Early and Vintage: 1886–1930. London: Grange- Universal. Harwit, E. (2001). The Impact of WTO Membership on the Automobile Industry in China. North York: Captus Press Inc. Hugos, M. (2006). Essentials of Supply Chain Management. New York: John Wiley Sons. Kenworthy, J, R. (2004). Transport Energy Use and Greenhouse Emissions in Urban Passenger Transport Systems. Ontario: Firefly Books. Sharp, J, D., Yang, A. (2001). Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company. Beijing: Beijing University.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Nanjing Chuangqi Auto Parts Company was written and submitted by user Winston Blanchard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Socrates and the Socratic Ethic essays
Socrates and the Socratic Ethic essays Socrates is considered the top philosopher of all time. He has influenced more people in history than anyone other than Jesus. Socrates worked hard throughout his life to try to make people think deeper beyond the everyday thought, to look inside and really ponder on different subjects, none more so than that of moral ethics. Socrates wanted to define what was morally right from wrong. This is what derived the Socratic ethic. It was what Socrates considered to be the way a person should live their life. The thing that set Socrates apart from others, though, was that he stuck to this Socratic ethic so relentlessly that is finally led to his death. At a time when many people would have thrown it out the window to save their life, he was bound to it. Socrates wanted to leave an everlasting mark on mankind, one that has not been forgotten even to this day. Socrates was jailed for reasons he could not get an answer for. He was sentenced to death just because he had bothered and annoyed people too much. There were many that were enlightened by his speeches, but he angered much of the state. I do not totally agree with Socrates decision not to escape in the Crito. He developed this Socratic ethic and proudly stood beside it by fulfilling his duty. He also believed that the quality of life was more important than the quantity (even though he was 70), so if he had lived a high quality life dying would not matter. If I had so strongly believed in something, I would have escaped and fought for what I believed in. Dying for something, and fighting for it so other people do not die in the same way would be my way of fulfilling my duty. Socrates in the Crito is in fact just surrendering to the state by accepting an obviously false indictment plus a much too severe punishment for it. They would have had to run me down and execute me be fore I would hand my life over to any state as long as I was fighting justly for my cause. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to Define Anode and Cathode
How to Define Anode and Cathode Heres a look at the difference between the anode and cathode of a cell or battery and how you can remember which is which. Keeping Them Straight Remember the cathode attracts cations or the cathode attracts charge. The anode attracts negative charge. Flow of Current The anode and cathode are defined by the flow of current. In the general sense, current refers to any movement of electrical charge. However, you should keep in mind the convention that current direction is according to where a positive charge would move, not a negative charge. So, if electrons do the actual moving in a cell, then current runs the opposite direction. Why is it defined this way? Who knows, but thats the standard. Current flows in the same direction as positive charge carriers, for example, when positive ions or protons carry the charge. Current flows opposite the direction of negative charge carriers, such as electrons in metals. Cathode The cathode is the negatively charged electrode.The cathode attracts cations or positive charge.The cathode is the source of electrons or an electron donor. It may accept positive charge.Because the cathode may generate electrons, which typically are the electrical species doing the actual movement, it may be said that cathodes generate charge or that current moves from the cathode to the anode. This can be confusing, because the direction of current would be defined by the way a positive charge would move. Just remember, any movement of charged particles is current. Anode The anode is the positively charged electrode.The anode attracts electrons or anions.The anode may be a source of positive charge or an electron acceptor. Cathode and Anode Remember, charge can flow either from positive to negative or from negative to positive! Because of this, the anode could be positively charged or negatively charged, depending on the situation. The same is true for the cathode.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Global South (South Africa) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global South (South Africa) - Essay Example History of South Africa Colonisation The term ‘Colonialism’ is referred to a practice of domination that entails the subjugation of one group of people to another. It also refers to political and economic control over the dependent territory (Stanford University, 2006). According to McMichael, colonialism is the subjugation by psychological and physical strength of one culture by a colonising control through the means of military conquest of territory or areas and abolition of native people and their cultures (University of Kentucky, 2009). The essay looks at various aspects of South Africa from the point of view of international studies. The study will cover the history of colonisation of South Africa along with political system, demographics of South Africa. Development of South Africa along with the various conflicts that the country has seen will be observed in the essay. The British had colonised South Africa due to their trade interests, strategic ports and the rou tes towards their Asian colonies i.e. to fulfill their political objectives. The effect of colonisation was seen in early 1870s and in the year 1875, Cape of South Africa was colonised (Brownfield, 2011). The colonisation of South Africa by the British people was for the motive of capturing ports routes that they could use for their trade purpose. The other reason was the supply of labour and resources which assisted the British economy to grow. Prior to the colonial power of the British over South Africa, the Dutch had colonised the area. In the year 1652 the Dutch first colonised South Africa and in the same year the legal system was implemented. In 1488, the Dutch people first reached South Africa and colonisation began in 1652. The Dutch East India Company appointed Jan Van Riebeeck to establish a station in the Cape of Good Hope which was established but later found problems. They then colonised the area for their benefit. The Dutch defeated the Xhosa tribe and took control ove r them in the first war. Later another war was fought between them and this resulted in Dutch losing its control over them and then the British took over the control. In the year 1806, the British took over the control from the Dutch in Cape of Good Hope (Drumstruck, n.d.). Even after the Zulu War and two Anglo-Boer wars, the colony was under the British rule. The African National Congress was created in 1912 and they came into power in 1994 when the first elections were held (US Department of States, 2010). Independence from the British rule was achieved in the year 1910. But still there were elections that were controlled by the British people. In the year 1990, Nelson Mandela was released and there was first democratic election in April 1994 under the constitution of South Africa (Michigan State University, 2011). The process of decolonisation takes place when former colonies and non-self governing territories become the self-governing state (Garoupa & Gata, 2000). The decolonisa tion process of South Africa was primarily based upon the methods of the British government that transferred the power in order to maintain stable democracies. There were several controversies in the decolonisation process. However, the transfer of the power to the national party of South Africa made the process quicker and thereby resulting in the end of the colonial rule (Verstraelen, 2002). Political System South Africa, when gained its
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Appraisal System of a Company and Its Strengths and Weaknesses Essay - 5
The Appraisal System of a Company and Its Strengths and Weaknesses - Essay Example The researcher states that performance appraisal is one of the most common platforms used by employers to determine whether their employees are sufficiently qualified for promotion. However, the contemporary work environment is changing with teamwork gradually replacing hierarchical management. Further, organizations are increasingly shifting their focus toward employee empowerment and participative leadership, as opposed to the traditional authoritative leadership style. In addition, companies are reducing managerial positions thus increasing workloads and making supervisors responsible for large groups of employees. This means that supervisors are no longer capable of observing employees and providing fair, precise, valid and inspiring performance evaluations. As a result, modern companies have no choice but to look for appraisal mechanisms that adopt these changes and, at the same time, support and promote employee development. Most organizations in the present business environmen t have resorted to using the 360-degree appraisal approach. This method is popular for its ability to provide workers with the information they need to change and align their abilities or talents with functions that meet company goals. However, this appraisal mechanism is not without faults. This research project was meant to analyze usage of a performance appraisal method in a company and to collect information that would aid in the system’s improvement in regard to accuracy, fairness, credibility, and objectivity. The company chosen for this research applies the 360-degree feedback method. The inception of this appraisal system can be linked to past satisfaction surveys, which were used to enhance morale and communication among workers. The system also has its foundation in employers’ desire to encourage employees in their efforts to set goals, as well as, the provision of feedback to motivate workers. At this time, performance reviews were usually conducted by super visors who also provided participating employees with the relevant feedback. However, changes in the 21st century prompted many organizations to abandon the conventional supervisor-partisan appraisal method. For instance, there are no longer many managerial positions, meaning that administrators have more pressing concerns than supervising junior staff. Further, the employees participating in the review are supposed to interact with others in different organizations or departments, making it rather difficult for supervisors to monitor them effectively and provide credible feedback. The modern environment is also characterized by acute competition, which has made companies exert extra focus on customers as opposed to employees. Given the above changes, participants in modern performance reviews are subject to scrutiny by stakeholders other than employers. This is where the 360-degree appraisal mechanism comes into play.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Salvador Dali Essay Example for Free
Salvador Dali Essay Salvadore Felipe Jacinto Dali Y Domenech was born on May 11, 1904 . in Figueras, Spain. He was a Spanish Surrealist painter and printmaker by trade. Dali is commonly regarded as having been â€Å"artistically influential for his explorations of subconscious imagery†. As an art student in Madrid and in Barcelona, Dali assimilated a vast number of artistic styles and displayed unusual technical facility as a painter. It was not until the late 1920s however, that two events brought about the development of his mature artistic style. The first of these was Dalis discovery of Sigmund Freuds writings on the erotic significance of subconscious imagery and the second was Dalis affiliation with the Paris Surrealists, a group of artists and writers who sought to establish the greater reality of mans subconscious over his reason. To bring up images from the depths of his subconscious mind, Dali began to introduce hallucinatory states in himself by a process he described as paranoiac critical. In essence, the paranoiac critical meant looking at one thing and seeing another. In my opinion, this is an extended version of the face seen in the fire. Heads turn into a distant city, a landscape resolves itself as a still life, inexplicable combinations are seen to lurk magically beneath the skin of the world and thus the foundation for much Dalis artistic philosophy is established. Once Dali hit on this method, his painting style matured with extraordinary rapidity, and from 1927 to 1937 he produced those paintings which made him the worlds best known Surrealist artist. Dali depicted a dream world in which commonplace objects are â€Å"juxtaposed, deformed, or otherwise metamorphosed in a bizarre and irrational fashion†. Dali portrayed these objects in meticulous, almost painfully realistic detail and usually placed them within bleak, sunlit landscapes that were reminiscent of his Catalonian homeland. Much of my research indicates that the most famous of these enigmatic images is probably The Persistence of Memory (commonly known as Soft Watches) which was painted in 1931. In this painting, limp, melting watches rest in an eerily calm landscape. Moving to Paris around 1928, Dali frequented the Cafe Cyrano, the headquarters of the Parisian surrealists, and in 1929, he first exhibited his own surrealist paintings. Dali continued to study the writings of Sigmund Freud and subsequently declared an ambition to systemize confusion. In addition to such paintings as The Persistence of Memory, other famous works such as The Sacrament of the Last Supper which was painted in 1955 and is currently on display at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., have become widely known as part of the definitive record of twentieth century art. In Dalis books, of which he wrote many himself, canvases, like The Persistence of Memory seem like looking down the wrong end of the telescope at a brilliant, clear, shrunken and poisoned world whose deep mannerist perspective and sharp patches of shadow invite the eye but not the body. I doubt whether one could imagine walking on that stretched, satiny beach among the oozing watches. This atmosphere of voyeurism lent force to Dalis obsessive imagery of impotence, of violence and of guilt. Even in his most extreme moments of anticlerical shock, however, research indicates that Dali remained a Spanish Catholic. He inherited from Spanish devotional art a paralyzing morbidity about flesh. He seemed to like anything that was not erect: running Camembert, soft watches, sagging loaves of flesh held up by crutches. Naturally all this was much more shocking fifty years ago than it is today: Dali was regularly denounced by Fascists and Stalinists alike as a decadent threat to youth. When he could no longer annoy either the bourgeoisie or the self- appointed guardians of the proletariat, he mortally offended the avant-garde by embracing Franco and the Pope, and was duly drummed out of the surrealist group for it Dalis reaction, natural in such an enfant terrible (approx. translation: terrible child), was to become more royalist than the King and more ostentatiously greedy than his Palm Beach and Hollywood patrons. If the net result was a tacky, phosphorescent caricature of Genius at Work, an embarrassment to most aficionados, it is still inconceivable to such eccentric art buffs that Dali the bad boy will ever be expelled from the pantheon of modern imagination. With the Spanish director, Luis Bunuel, Dali also made two surrealistic films. The first was, Un Chien Andalou ( French for An Andalusian dog) produced in 1928 and the latter was LAge Dor (The Golden Age) produced in 1930. Both of these films are commonly described as being grotesque but filled with highl y suggestive images. The production of Dalis art and films was both complimented and further popularized by his maintenance of in image similar to the one reflected in his works;: His eccentric appearance consisting ordinarily of a flowing cape, handlebar mustache, and popping eyes helped to make Salvadore Dali recognized worldwide. In the late 1930s, Dali switched to painting in a more academic style under the influence of the Renaissance painter Raphael, and as a consequence, that was another example of why he was expelled from the Surrealist movement. In the later years of his life, Dali spent the majority of his time designing theater sets, interiors of fashionable shops, and jewelry as well as exhibiting his genius for flamboyant self-promotional stunts in the United States, where he lived from 1940 to 1955. In the period from 1950 to 1970, Dali painted many works with religious themes, though he continued to explore erotic subjects, to represent childhood memories, and to use themes centering on his wife, Gala. Notwithstanding their technical accomplishments, these later paintings are apparently not as highly regarded as the artists earlier works. Salvadore Dali died on January 3, 1989 in Figueras and is now often regarded as one the greatest twentieth century artists yet. With some artists, death is only a ratification of decay: it releases them from the humiliations of their late careers. So it was with Salvador Dali, who when he died at the age of 84 was perhaps the archetype of that 20th century phenomenon, the embarrassing Genius. He was the first modern artist to exploit fully the mechanism of publicity. He appropriated the idea of the artist as demonic obsessive. He dealt with the question Why should your fantasies matter?. Clearly, Salvadore Dali utilized communication and all forms of contemporary imagery to make not only his works, but himself into a legend. Bibliography: Ades, Dawn, Dali and Surrealism (1982); Dali, S.,Salvador Dali: Diary of a Genius (1990); De Liano, I. G., Dali (1984); Descharnes, Robert, Dali (1984); Etherington-Smith, M., The Persistence of Memory: A Biography of Salvador Dali (1993). Various internet sites
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Post Emancipation of Slaves Essay -- American History
After the emancipation of slaves, many things changed throughout the south. The slaves had the title of freed people, but these freed people didn't have the same rights and privileges as their white counterparts. Even though the freed slaves were suppose to be able to live an equal life with the whites, the whites still found ways to keep the African-Americans from being equal with them on all levels. The whites imposed all kinds of hidden rules towards the blacks and the consequence of breaking those laws was death. The whites did not want the ex slaves to be equal and even after the white men's mistress failed at assuming the jobs of their ex slaves, the slave masters still didn't give blacks credit for being able to do the work that they did. Things did not get better until after the civil rights movement and even then, things are as great as they should be. Things before the civil rights movement, from the beginning of slavery to the civil rights movement was the worst that it co uld get and even now there is only a little sign of improvement, but the fact that people in the world who still wants to see racial equality show that the fight for equality isn't over and it won't be until the goal at hand is successful. After the emancipation of slaves, the wives had to take over the role that the former slaves once did. The wives had to cook, sweep, wash the clothes, feed the animals, milk the cows, take care of the children, and clean. The wives of these former slave owners had to assume the jobs that the freed slaves abandoned and they also had to do the things that they normally did when the slaves were there. At first they were upset because they knew that once their slaves left, they would have to fulfill the duties ... ... place. When the blacks moved to the city they faced hatred and they got harassed by the whites and the current black residents. The newly blacks that moved to the city not only faced hatred and harassment, but also city officials made things much harder for blacks to be able to move into the cities. In conclusion, the black have faced many problems after the emancipation of slaves. Even though things did not get better for the freed blacks until the civil rights movement, things still were better then being someone's slave. The emancipation of the slaves not only affected the blacks but also the whites. The whites were affected because now they had to do all their work themselves and they had to face the fact that the blacks were suppose to be equal with them, which is why they tried their best to keep the black people down socially, politically, and economically.
Monday, November 11, 2019
The Muse Of A Nurse In 1916 –
It was going to be an ordinary afternoon, the 7th of July 191 6_ Ever since It was declared that war had begun on the 28th of July, the whole country had been busting and screaming at the thought of the combat. Most men were Jumping at the idea of volunteering, bragging about their strength and how it will all end by Christmas. I would have liked to have thought that, but I simply didnt have the luxury. My father was 47; too old to be enlisted. He was married anyway, so he couldn't.The war had been on-going for little less than 2 years. A letter came through the post this morning addressed to me, but I had neglected to read It, as I had to be at the local hospital to tend to some accidents that had occurred on the railway. By the time I got back, I was itching to read it. I had to do chores first, however, before I could even look at the letter. Ironing, feeding the chickens and pigs, pulling up the potatoes, checking Jimmy hasnt grazed his knees alling out of the tree and then clean ing out the hay in the stables.It took about three hours, which was infuriating. To top it all off, Jimmy insisted on getting yet another demonstration on how to climb the oak tree. He's only 9, bless him, and he Just cant seem to get the hang of keeping the strength in his arms and wrists. â€Å"Jimmy, I don't really want to do this right now†¦ †I told him, trying to pry him off my hip. He was about half my size, since he's 9 and I'm 23.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Trap Ease Answer
Q1: They face once in a lifetime opportunity means that they are talking about the potential for profit and growth required following Information to Evaluate the Opportunity:-Determine the product selling point that will put it as a competitive advantage over other products. -make a survey about customers if they are willing to pay a higher price for the innovative product offered by the company.– make Competitive Frame of Reference (customer awareness-product quality-product availability-technical assistance-selling staff) -Identify the market segments (com/mkt3013-practice-2/">market segmentation), and select the target segment (market targeting). – Advantages of using the Ease-Trap over other competitors product (User Friendly-Child Friendly-Pet Friendly-No Poison-reuse-no clean up)I think the group is going to write the following â€Å"mission statement†: We produce a trap that you could use safer and easier than the traditional one, with no risk of catching your fingers while loading itI suggest writing the following â€Å"mission statement†: â€Å"we are making innovative mousetrap that traps mice easily, friend of the environment, and good value of money with no danger for your child†.Q2/ She identified the best target market (women) because they don’t like the mess or the risks created by traditional mouse traps. This is a good marketing segment to begin with They could try to focus on– Environmentalists as trap-ease is reusable so creates less of a strain on the environment which would make it a very attractive thing for them, -Animal lovers would love the Trap-Ease mouse trap because it doesn’t require poison or pose the risk of snapping closed on a paw or tongue of a pet. -Corporate Businesses as Food Company would probably like the Trap-Ease mouse trap because of its high quality more futuristic image and the fact that it would create as much of a mess, -families which have a kids as trap-ease with no danger for kids -hospitals-people who live in new cities as mice were spreadQ3/ They had positioned the product by mentioning that it is safer and easier to use than the competitors' products (Traps Mice Easily), and that there is no risk of catching one's finger while loading it.I think they can position the trap-ease as no dangerous for small children at home, Never seeing or touching a dead mouse again, fewer waists because it is re-useable, by having an incredibly good customer service team that could deliver services to their customers that were having problems using the productQ4/ The marketing mix of a company consist of the four P’s: Product: trap-ease.Price: about five times more expensive than standard trap.Place: trap-ease distributed directly through national grocery, hardware and drug chains (retailers) such as Safeway, sellers, Canadian tire, and shoppers drug mart avoiding any wholesaler or other intermediaries. Promotion: Trap-Ease had an promotion bud get about $60.000 They are spent $10,000 on advertising, the other $50.000 are spent on travel costs to visit trade shows and to make sales calls on retailersProblems:– Price is very high; she could offer a wider range of prices on the different models of their trap in order to offer more variety – Place: she was trying to distribute their product through large stores. They can use internet shop (E-shop) as People on the internet are often caring with quality, ease of use, and innovativeness and don’t mind spending a little more money to get what they want.It is also a high profit market because it reduces transportation costs and there are no middle man costs – promotion: she concentrated whole marketing budget on visiting trade shows and advertising on chatelaine and other home magazines ,she should promote over the internet for certain on sites and also think about putting out ads on TV. Q5/ Trap-Ease America’s competitor is any company that cre ates mouse traps competitors include Victor, JT Eaton, Riddex and D-CON who offers both baits and traps.They actually also offer a version of a no touch mouse trap in which you don’t have to touch the mouse after you have trapped it. They are selling this for $4.29 which is higher than the suggested retail price for the Trap-Ease mouse trap which is $2.99, which will give trap-ease a pricing advantage. Havahart offer traps which humanely catch everything from mice to voles and shrews and are competition for the humane factors of the Trap-Ease. There are also in direct competitor as poisons that are sold which are a danger to pets and animals as well as the mice they are supposed to kill.Q6/ Swot analysisInternal Strengths Weakness 1/very innovative product and engneered well 2/long life product as it is re-useable 3/with low risk specially for kids 4/highly environmemntal 1/high price 2/low promotion 3/do not detemine good target of market segmentation 4/product oriented stra tegyExternal Opportunities Threats 1/unique product,so it is a high potential market 2/less competitors 1/traditional marketers 2/chemicals and pesticidesNew marketing strategy:- 1/targeting:The targeting should have been done within a broader demographic area. Slums, warehouses, go downs, docks, kirana shops, retail stores, restaurant, canteens and cold storages must be targeted for potential customers. The segmenting must avail wholesalers and the intermediaries too apart from the retailers. Marketing channels like Toll-free numbers, newspapers, television, radio and mobile marketing must be used effectively to target MEN. Pest control companies must be primarily targeted and a joint venture can be planned if necessary. We should target to environmentalists, animal lovers and corporate business. 2/ PromotionsWhen two traps are sold in a single package it might not be appealing to the customers who are ready to experiment. So it should be one at a time. The cost must be cut down as low as possible at least for initial days because the customers are driven to products that are freely available for fewer prices. Here the packaging plays a prominent role. Free samples to the agencies must be initially given so that they get the customers acquainted to the product in order to gain a good name in the market. There should be mass distribution of the product and free demo services must be provided.The marketing network within the organization must be increased, instead of Martha being the single salesperson. There must be door-to-door salesperson to make the sales effective. The administrative costs must be cut down and more money should be spent in promotional activities like advertising in movie theatres. Showing a demo in the retail shops, approaching government to promote in railways and bus-stands as a social cause and environment savior. A brand ambassador must be endorsed to promote the product in order to attract the customers. Money back promise should be m ade to the customers if the products are found defective. This way they will gain the trust of the customers. 3/ Using Customers Value Triad:Though there’s value in terms of quality, satisfaction of the customers from the product is less because of its high price. And proper feedbacks must be taken from the customers as well as the retailers in order to assess the true position of the product. Online booking facilities must be provided so that more customers can know the details about the product and buy it easily.The cost and communication of the four 4c’s concept must be kept in mind. The safety and re-usability aspects of the product must be communicated well to the customers. Retaining customers is very important and that can be done only through quality service. Customers are gods and promises made to them should be kept. They lost an order because of time the management and Matha doesn’t seem to learn from the mistake. The goodwill of the organization i s necessary for any product to remain for a long time. 4/ Planning:A proper market research is necessary to understand the wants of customers. Timely adjustments must be done based on the marketing environment. There must be a backup plan always when the target sales and profits are not achieved. When the sales have gone down in April, the marketing strategy must be immediately changed.The administrative costs must be cut down heavily. Also the reasons for why the product is not bought the second time must be found out and necessary changes made to the product as per customer benefits. Repeat buying will happen only when the services provided are beneficial to the customers. When the trade shows haven’t bought enough sales, the costs should be cut down there and allocate more money for advertising.Target Group Product Strategy Distribution Strategy Promoting Strategy ControlThe first thing I would do to change Trap-Ease’s marketing strategy would be to increase the amo unt of people in their marketing team. Although Martha was probably trying to keep down costs by not hiring anyone for her marketing team she made one important mistake. One of the most important things when coming out with a new product is the Marketing because until you’ve communicated the benefits of your product to the Consumer there will not be sufficient demand for it. Her entry into the market was too small scale and chances are that with such an innovative
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Battle of Ezra Church in the Civil War
Battle of Ezra Church in the Civil War Battle of Ezra Church - Conflict Date: The Battle of Ezra Church was fought July 28, 1864, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders Union Major General William T. ShermanMajor General Oliver O. Howard13,266 men Confederate Lieutenant General John Bell Hood18,450 men Battle of Ezra Church - Background: Late July 1864 found Major General William T. Shermans forces advancing on Atlanta in pursuit of General Joseph E. Johnstons Army of Tennessee. Reviewing the situation, Sherman decided to push Major General George H. Thomas Army of the Cumberland over the Chattahoochee River with the goal of pinning Johnston in place. This would permit Major General James B. McPhersons Army of the Tennessee and Major General John Schofields Army of the Ohio to shift east to Decatur where they could cut the Georgia Railroad. This done, the combined force would advance on Atlanta. Having fallen back through much of northern Georgia, Johnston had earned the ire of Confederate President Jefferson Davis. Worried about his generals willingness to fight, he sent his military advisor, General Braxton Bragg, to Georgia to assess the situation. Reaching Atlanta on July 13, Bragg commenced sending a number of discouraging reports north to Richmond. Three days later, Davis directed Johnston to send him details regarding his plans for defending the city. Displeased with the generals noncommittal response, Davis decided to relieve him and replace him with the offensively-minded Lieutenant General John Bell Hood. As orders for Johnstons relief were sent south, Shermans troops began crossing the Chattahoochee. Anticipating that Union forces would attempt to cross Peachtree Creek north of the city, Johnston drew up plans for a counterattack. Learning of the command change on the night of July 17, Hood and Johnston telegraphed Davis and asked that it be delayed until after the coming battle. This request was refused and Hood assumed command. Battle of Ezra Church - Fighting for Atlanta: Attacking on July 20, Hoods forces were turned back by Thomas Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Peachtree Creek. Unwilling to surrender the initiative, he directed Lieutenant General Alexander P. Stewarts corps to hold the lines north of Atlanta while Lieutenant General William Hardees corps and Major General Joseph Wheelers cavalry moved south and east with the goal of turning McPhersons left flank. Striking on July 22, Hood was defeated at the Battle of Atlanta though McPherson fell in the fighting. Left with a command vacancy, Sherman promoted Major General Oliver O. Howard, then leading IV Corps, to head the Army of the Tennessee. This move infuriated the commander of XX Corps, Major General Joseph Hooker, who blamed Howard for his defeat the previous year at Chancellorsville when the two were with the Army of the Potomac. As a result, Hooker asked to be relieved and returned north. Battle of Ezra Church - Shermans Plan: In an effort to compel the Confederates to abandon Atlanta, Sherman devised a plan that called for Howards Army of the Tennessee to shift west from their position east of the city to cut the railroad from Macon. A critical supply line for Hood, its loss would force him to abandon the city. Moving out on July 27, the Army of the Tennessee began their march west. Though Sherman made efforts to conceal Howards intentions, Hood was able to discern the Union objective. As a result, he directed Lieutenant General Stephen D. Lee to take two divisions out the Lick Skillet road to block Howards advance. To support Lee, Stewarts corps was to swing west to strike Howard from the rear. Moving down the west side of Atlanta, Howard took a cautious approach despite assurances from Sherman that the enemy would not oppose the march (Map). Battle of Ezra Church - A Bloody Repulse: A classmate of Hoods at West Point, Howard expected the aggressive Hood to attack. As such, he halted on July 28 and his men quickly erected makeshift breastworks using logs, fence rails, and other available material. Pushing out from the city, the impulsive Lee decided not to assume a defensive position along the Lick Skillet road and instead elected to assault the new Union position near Ezra Church. Shaped like a reverse L, the main Union line extended north with a short line running west. This area, along with the angle and part of the line running north, was held by Major General John Logans veteran XV Corps. Deploying his men, Lee directed Major General John C. Browns division to attack north against the east-west portion of the Union line. Advancing, Browns men came under intense fire from the divisions of Brigadier Generals Morgan Smith and William Harrow. Taking immense losses, the remnants of Browns division fell back. Undeterred, Lee sent Major General Henry D. Claytons division forward just north of the angle in the Union line. Encountering heavy resistance from Brigadier General Charles Woods division, they were forced to fall back. Having wrecked his two divisions against the enemys defenses, Lee soon was reinforced by Stewart. Borrowing Major General Edward Walthalls division from Stewart, Lee sent it forward against the angle with similar results. In the fighting, Stewart was wounded. Recognizing that success was unobtainable, Lee fell back and ended the battle. Battle of Ezra Church - Aftermath: In the fighting at Ezra Church, Howard lost 562 killed and wounded while Lee suffered around 3,000. Though a tactical defeat for the Confederates, the battle prevented Howard from reaching the railroad. In the wake of this strategic setback, Sherman commenced a series of raids in an effort cut the Confederate supply lines. Finally, in late August, he began a massive movement around the west side of Atlanta that culminated with a key victory at the Battle of Jonesboro on August 31-September 1. In the fighting, Sherman severed the railroad from Macon and forced Hood to depart Atlanta. Union troops entered the city on September 2.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
5 Ways to Make Your Career Dreams Come True
5 Ways to Make Your Career Dreams Come True Watching your friends and coworkers get their dream jobs or launch their dream careers can be taxing. Maybe you feel like it will never happen to you. But that mindset can lead to depression and can sap you of your energy to actually make it happen for yourself. Try these five strategies and start to make the changes you need to go in the direction of your dream.Think bigThere are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe leaders are born that way and those who believe anyone can do or be anything. Be part of the second camp. Cultivate the three Ps: practice, perseverance, and persistence. Then add passion and pursuit to the mix. You’ll never get where you want to go if you don’t really want to get there.Be confidentYou chose your dream, now believe in it. Take risks and make achieving your goals your top priority. Once you’ve made a choice you know to be right, it will be that much easier to devote yourself to it 110%.Don’t expect instant resultsJust because the journey’s long doesn’t mean you’ll never reach your destination. Keep working on your goals every single day, even if you can’t see any immediate payoff. The reward will come. Add patience to your magic P words.Edit your friends listSocial relationships are a huge part of a healthy life and career. Surrounding yourself with happy and like-minded people can be a really effective way to keep yourself afloat and heading for large-scale success. Weed out the people that drain your energy or make you feel bad about yourself. Stick to the positives, even when it comes to people.Be gratefulIf you’re always grateful for something, then you’re already successful. Even when things are rough, there’s always something good to recognize and reflect on. Making gratitude a simple part of your routine will pay enormous dividends as you cultivate the life you want and start to see results. You’ll already be in the habit of being thankful!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ASPECT OF CONTRACT AND NEGLIGENCE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
ASPECT OF CONTRACT AND NEGLIGENCE - Assignment Example The breach of these essential elements of a contract makes the contract void. The essentials of a valid contract include "offer and acceptance, Intention to create a legal relationship, lawful consideration, capacity of parties, free consent, the lawful object, certainty of meaning, possibility of performance, not declared to be void or illegal and legal formalities". In the given case, the elements are same, and breach of these essential elements of a valid contract makes the contract void (Collins, 2003). c) In any contract offer, acceptance, consideration and intention are very important as these are the basic element required to make a contract legally enforceable. Offer is important because if a person does not offer to another person to do something the other person cannot perform that task. Acceptance is necessary because a person should signify his assent that he has accepted his offer to do the task. Offer and acceptance makes a contract, and there should be a consideration (monetary value) to perform the task. There should be an intention to perform the contract otherwise there is no contract. a) Contents of standard business form are the terms of the contract. Every contract consists of terms and condition, which should be fulfilled by both the parties competent to contract. These terms are set by both the parties and must perform in order to finish the contract (Jones, 2013). These terms can be written or communicated with conversation at the time of entering a contract. The terms and conditions can include the price, which will be given on performance, mode of payment and the way to perform the task. All terms and conditions must be fulfilled and must be performed in the agreed manner as they are essentials to the contract (Austen-Baker, 2011). b) The terms identified in the contract between Lady Gaga and owner of the Opera is the performance of the artist for several days.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Assignment 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
4 - Assignment Example During the flood, one is unable to face the harsh behavior of water and thus people are advised to move to the higher regions before the flood. 1. List and describe the most common causes of floods. Causes of Floods Three major causes are found to cause the floods. Theses causes include Tropical storms, Seasonal flooding, Coastal Flooding (Library.thinkquest.org, 2013). Tropical Storms Tropical storms and hurricanes remain to have high impact on our lives due to the devastating impact of the heavy winds carrying immense amount of water with them. The resulting rains in response to the hurricanes and tropical storms become a cause of flood. Tropical Depression produces a wind of speeds less than 38 miles per hour. In the tropical depression situation winds have relative less speed as compared to that in the hurricane (Erh.noaa.gov, 2013). However, the tropical depressions are found to produce immense rains. Such a type of phenomenon produces some major damages in Georgia with a tremen dous rainfall of about 28 inches that caused flooding. During a tropical Storm the speed of the wind can reach as high as 73 miles per hour and tropical storms are categorized due to having more wind speed (39-73 miles per hour) as compared to the tropical depression. Tropical storms produce immense rain falls that are followed by flooding but some damages are due to the heavy winds. The rainfalls during the tropical storms produce more water than the capacity of the rivers, streams and lakes and thus heavy flooding occurs. Seasonal Flooding In rainy season, (a prolonged raining period mostly in spring or peak summer) the rains may fall more than the capacity of the rivers, streams and lakes and thus the flooding occurs. The flooding is not the sudden rush of water into the streams, lakes and rivers but due to the prolonged period of rains. The water on the rivers, streams and lakes rushes out. The major reason of less absorption of water into the ground is that due to the rains, th e soil becomes saturated and the absorption rate due the unsaturated behavior of the ground lowers and thus the flooding occurs. The melting of the snow during the start of the summer is another reason of the seasonal. It is due to the heavy snow falls in the winter season and during the start of the summer, snow melts and is being converted to huge amount of water that rusher into the streams and at some instance it may become more than the capacity of the streams and rivers that thus the flooding occurs. Both melting of the snow and the rainy seasonal rainfalls may contribute in occurring flooding in combination. Coastal Flooding Due to the severe tropical storms and heavy winds, the winds tend to carry away the ocean water in hevy amounts and thus occur of the coastal areas. In this situation, the sea level rises to the ground level and winds tend to produce waves more than the ground level and flooding occurs. Higher velocity winds create surface turbulence and thus the ocean wa ves present flooding of the coastal areas. The phenomenon is often recognized as storm surge. Coastal flooding is also due to the impact of Tsunamis, volcanic eruption and landslides in the oceans. Tsunamis are caused due to the earthquake which occurs in the ocean not very far from the coastal region. An under oceanic earthquake
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Impression on professionalism in physical therapy core-values self Essay
Impression on professionalism in physical therapy core-values self assessment - Essay Example According to the study conducted under the ‘excellence core value, there were several indicators such as demonstration plus investment in physical therapy, importance of using several material evidence to enhance professional decisions, involvement in collaborative efforts to promote quality health plus education, and others in which the scores were 4 or 5. Under the ‘professional duty’ core value, the author achieved consistency by scoring 4 or 5 levels. The indicators, in this case, included demonstration of beneficence, promotion of physical therapy profession and others. The high rating on these indicators attributes to immense knowledge and experience. The researcher is aware of these indicators and the core values connected to the sample indicators, therefore; he showed consistency of scores. The teller is aware of his professional obligations thus he applies his knowledge of physical therapy to meet these obligations. Under the ‘accountability’ core value, he scored a 3 on the indicator concerning acknowledgement and acceptance of consequences. On the sample indicator of ‘clients requirements above those of therapists’ the score was at level 3. There was the same score for an indicator concerning cultural bias plus gender. The author scored low under the integrity core value on the indicator entailing the limits of his expertise. Other low scores emanated from indicators of political activism and involvement in social justice matters. The low scores attribute to the knowledge and awareness in those areas.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Writing Strategy Brainstorming English Language Essay
The Writing Strategy Brainstorming English Language Essay Brainstorming is a creative problem solving method developed by Alex F. Osborn. It is a tool used to promote ideas created in groups rather and individually. Brainstorming was created by Osborn to allow his company to develop creative ideas as a group since they were struggling to meet this goal individually. Brainstorming has been successful when applied in different environment settings such as in the field of business, government, industries, and in education. Brainstorming can be used to express ideas on issues to engage in, create possible solutions for problems, and offer a variety of approaches to use, or opinions on actions to take. We use brainstorming in the classroom to stimulate ideas on topics for writing, reading, problem solving in math, science, and social studies. Brainstorming in education can start as early as Kindergarten. Not only does brainstorming offer a variety of opinions and ideas from the students, but it also improves the peer interaction in the classroom . Students communicate with each other, give their thoughts and opinions on broad categories, and work together to problem solve. Brainstorming can be used in small groups, and as a whole class group to combine ideas and create list based on everybodys suggestions. Small group interaction has long been cited as an effective teaching technique. This interaction is of importance because the pupil has the opportunity to become actively involved in the process of learning. (Wood, 2001) Brainstorming can be used throughout all the academic subjects in school, but it is crucial when used in writing. It is a strategy that can be used in the planning stage of writing. In the planning stage students begin to organize their thoughts. Class discussions such as brainstorming together can establish the topic, type, purpose, and audience of the composition. Rodriques states that prewriting activities, including group brainstorming, are the most important part of the writing process. (Rodriques, 1 983) There are two ways for people to communicate with each other by writing and speaking. Writing allows students to express their feelings and thoughts as well as to communicate with one another. Writing skills are essential for students to develop and brainstorming assists students in writing. Brainstorming is highly recommended to allow students to create list of ideas and topics they can use to write. Brainstorming facilitates the writing process and prevents writing blockage. Many time students have difficulties in writing because they havent established topics or ideas, by brainstorming together the students come up with ideas they can build on when writing. Brainstorming is a very beneficial strategy since it can help a team encourage creativity, rapidly produces a large number of ideas, equalize involvement of all the team members, and foster a sense of ownership. Several studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of brainstorming when writing. One study created by Orson concluded that a group using brainstorming produced 44% more useful ideas than individuals thinking up suggestions without the benefit of group discussion. A review of brainstorming research was conducted and it concluded that 16 studies found support for the productivity of brainstorming versus contributing ideas individually. (Isaksen, 1998) The overall outcome of the Isaken review determined that based on the studies compiled brainstorming groups produced more ideas than individuals working alone. A study conducted by Troaia and Graham examined the effectiveness of planning strategies for writing in fourth and fifth graders with learning disabilities. Twenty fourth and fifth grade students with learning disabilities from two suburban elementary schools in Atlanta participated in this study. The participants were divided into the experimental treatment group and th e comparative treatment group. The experimental treatment group received advance planning strategy instruction of goal setting, brainstorming, and organizing. The comparative treatment group received a modified version of process writing instruction. This approach is compatible with the process writing instruction that students regularly receive in the classroom. The study showed that the students who received more time planning stories and brainstorming ideas before writing, produced stories that were qualitatively better. A month after the instruction had ended students who were taught the planning strategies maintained their advantage in story quality, but also produced longer stories than those produced by their peers who were just taught the writing process. The results tell me that teachers need to promote brainstorming during the planning stage of the writing process. Teachers need to teach students the rules of brainstorming by providing constant modeling, plenty of opportunities to practice brainstorming, and scaffolding. Teachers need to provide students with explicit directions on how to use the brainstorming process. It is very important that teachers not only teach students how to brainstorm together, but also teach them the guidelines for an effective brainstorming session. Teachers need to emphasize that judgment of ideas is not allowed, eccentric ideas are encouraged, a large quantity of ideas is preferred, and students should build on one anothers ideas. Being a first grade teacher I know the importance of building the students writing skills early and preparing them for the future. I have seen many teachers in many grades not promoting writing as much as other subjects. I believe that in first grade writing is as equally imp ortant as reading. Students are reading to write and writing to read. Reading and writing are interdependent to each other and the success of leaning this is very beneficial for students. Teachers need to know that in order for students to develop strong literacy skills, they need to combine reading and writing instruction and create reading and writing activities. Lesson Plan Objective: When given a writing prompt, students will use the brainstorming process and steps of the writing process to write a story. Participants: 2nd grade students in an inclusion classroom Materials: writing paper, white board or chart tablet paper, marker and writing utensils. Steps: The teacher tells the students they are going to learn a new strategy today called brainstorming. The teacher provides the students with more details on the brainstorming process including the rules and guidelines of using this process. The teacher will remind the students that brainstorming is done in the planning stage of the writing process. The teacher models the strategy for the students following all the steps and providing plenty of examples on this strategy. The teacher asks the students for feedback of the process and answers students questions. The teacher will then break up the students in groups of 4 to practice this strategy. The teacher will make one person from the group a leader and another person the secretary. The leaders role is to make sure the group stays on topic and everyone is participating. The secretarys role is to write down ideas the group is providing. The teacher reminds the students that the guidelines are to rule out critical judgment, eccentric ideas are encouraged, a large quantity of ideas are preferred, and that they should build on one anothers ideas. The teacher provides the students with a practice prompt to allow them to practice this strategy. This also allows them to experiment with the process and ask questions they may have now that they are practicing the strategy. After 15 minutes of practicing the teacher calls the students back to the carpet to talk about what they experienced and to try to fix any problems that might have come up as they were working together. The teacher then gives the students the prompt that they will be writing for their composition: Pretend you are visiting Santas workshop the week before Christmas. Write a story to your friends describing what the workshop is like. Make sure you provide details of things you saw, people you met, things you ate, and what you did during your adventure. Remember to start your story with an exciting topic sentence to captivate the attention of your friends. Dont forget to use beginning, middle, and end in your story as well as plenty of adjectives. Check your writing for correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Use the editing checklist to help you with your writing. The teacher separates the students back into their groups and ask them to brainstorm ideas that can be used with this prompt. The teacher leaves the prompt on the board to allow students to refer to it as they are coming up with their ideas. Once again the students are reassigned to their roles of leaders and secretaries. The students are given 20 min to come up with ideas. After 20 minutes, the students come together to the carpet to report their ideas. Each group states their ideas as the teacher writes them down on a chart paper. After all the groups have said their ideas, the teacher reviews all the ideas from the chart paper. The chart paper is displayed throughout the writing process so students can refer to it as needed. The teacher reviews the rest of the writing process stages: planning, drafting, revising and editing, and the final draft. The teacher also reviews the rubric that will be used to grade their stories. The teacher provides the students with examples and non examples on ways to receive a 4 on their writing. The students go back to their desk and for the next four days work on the completion of their composition. The students are given a self check and peer editing checklist to use during the revising and editing process. After they have completed their composition the teacher asks for volunteers to present their stories in the authors chair. Evaluation: The students will be evaluated using a writing rubric. Writing Checklist Authors Name: _________________ Title of Work: _________________ Peers Name: ___________________ Directions: Use this checklist to check over your paper. Mark the column with a Æ’Â ¼ after you have checked the paper carefully. Then have a peer complete the Peer Editor column and mark the column with a Æ’Â ¼ as they check your paper. Author Peer Editor Checklist Items   ±   ± Is the prompt followed correctly?   ±   ± Does the writing make sense?   ±   ± Does the paper have complete sentences?   ±   ± Do sentences start with a capital letter?   ±   ± Are proper nouns capitalized?   ±   ± Do sentences have ending marks?   ±   ± Are words spelled correctly?
Friday, October 25, 2019
Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Good evening. I’d like you all to do something for me. Think of one person who has inspired you, someone who you look up to and admire; someone who has done impressive things in their life. This person is someone that you will never forget. Now realize that that person has had to put in a great deal of work and time to achieve great things in their life. Know that nothing worth having or achieving comes easily. People like these can be hard to come by, but as students of Stoll High School, we have been extremely fortunate to have access to an entire staff of eager, ambitious and passionate teachers. Over our years here at SHS, many of us have been encouraged by one, if not more, of these extraordinary people. Perhaps when I asked you to think of that person who has inspired you, it was one of your teachers. These are the people who make a difference in the world. They may not affect the price of tea in China, but they challenge people around them to become better than they ever could on their own. Personally, I have been motivated and inspired by several excellent teachers. I would love to go through and list them all and tell you what they’ve done for me, but I’m afraid that if I did, I would lose the attention of those of you who are still actually listening to me. However, I would like to mention two of my personal heroes. First of all, the most challenging teacher I have ever had, Brady Smithson. I’m not sure exactly how I did it, but I survived two and a half years in her English classes, and somehow managed to keep my sanity. But through it all, she taught me to work harder than I ever imagined I could. Thanks for everything. And also, there’s my greatest inspiration, John Grabowski. Mr. Grabowski, thank you for the exceptional improvements which you have brought to the music program. It is so encouraging to see a teacher who views his work not as a job, but as a quest.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Let Bygones be Bygones Essay
A time in my life that I will always have memories of is being sent to J.J.A.E.P, which stands for Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program in the 8th grade. The reason I was emitted to alternative school was because I brought a container of painkillers to school. I will not go into much detail about my time in J.J.A.E.P but it was a time that I wouldn’t want to relive. It was a moment in my life that I wanted to forget about completely and just move along. This right here is a good example of me siding with the saying â€Å" Let bygones be bygones†. What this quote means in todays society is that let the unpleasant events that took place in your past be forgotten. The Saying â€Å"Let bygones be bygones†dates way back in the 15th century when Shakespeare used the word â€Å"bygone†which simply meant ‘a thing that has gone by’, in his play called â€Å"The Winters Tale,†1611: â€Å"This satisfaction, The by-gone-day proclaymâ €™d, say this to him.†As the years blew past the word â€Å"bygone†became more to be known as events that took place in the past specifically events that people don’t favor to remember. Disregarding the moments in your life that seem to be unpleasant to you or someone can be good because it wont haunt you at the most vulnerable moments in your life but at the same time its not good to just let bygones be bygones as they say because how is someone ever going to learn from their mistakes? So I believe that this quote can be debated and turned into something more like â€Å"Always remember the rough times.†The reason I choose to flip the quote the way I did is because all of the things I have done to be unsatisfying to others, myself, or even just being flat out wrong, I learned from those things and it has taught me to better myself as a person and as well as to better the things I do with my with my life. One example I can think of is when I got my first speeding ticket. Now I know that no one would be pleased to get a speeding ticket and when I got mine I was stunned. At the time of receiving my ticket I was hoping that this would be the only time id ever have to experience this. The only way I would avoid getting in the situation again is if id learn from my mistake and that is exactly what I did. I will always remember this tough moment in my life instead of going with the quote â€Å"let bygones be bygones.†If I would have just forgotten about my ticket and go on with my daily routine I could of have much worst consequences coming my way. Everybody has those rough times in their life at one time or another either it be something big like getting bullied in school or something smaller like stubbing your big toe on a piece of furniture. This shows that there is certain scenarios where a person should remember the rough times and let bygones be bygones. There are a few examples I can think of that siding with the quote â€Å"let bygones be bygones†would be necessary and also remembering the rough times is more than okay in most scenarios depending on the person and their feelings about certain things. Some scenarios that I can list that letting bygones be bygones is okay in my opinion is getting in a fight with your friend or significant other is okay to forget about because there will always be times when you’ll get into an argument with others but over time the heated argument will be forgotten. A time where I think, â€Å"remembering the rough times†is most significant is when you or someone else has been through a struggle. For example getting arrested, failing in school, or even being in a house fire. These particular moments that someone goes through will more than likely always be remembered by that person. I believe that these two quotes â€Å"let bygones be bygones†and â€Å"always remembering the rough times†are both good and relevant quotes that people should live by. If it’s letting go of an incident that you weren’t proud of or just being wrong these quotes whichever one it might be are both meaningful and should always be remembered.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Caffeine C and E
What Do I Get From My Morning Coffee Some people are morning people, but I am not one of those people. Every morning it seems as if I am in a fog until that warm cup of coffee touches my lips. Similar to a drug habit, the more a person drinks coffee, the more it seems like that person cant function without it. But what are you really getting from your coffee? Along with other factors, coffee can have both positive and negative effects on your health. Coffee improves the bodys tolerance to glucose by increasing metabolism or mproving its tolerance to insulin.People who drink four cups of caffeinated coffee each day had shown to be 56 percent less likely to develop diabetes than were non- drinkers. Diabetes is the most common risk factor of liver cancer, so American adults may have something to celebrate as they sip their morning cup. A study of one hundred twenty-four older adults, ages sixty-five to eighty-eight, with mild cognitive impairment found that caffeine and coffee intake wa s associated with a reduced risk f developing Dementia and early onset Alzheimer's.Coffee is known to be problematic for acid reflux and heartburn. Acid reflux and heartburn can be caused by coffee due to the way it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (muscle that closes the airway). This small muscle should remain tightly closed to prevent the contents of your stomach from coming back up into the esophagus and burning its lining with hydrochloric acid. Drinking a lot of coffee will promote the release of the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine.These hemicals increase your bodys heart rate, blood pressure and tension levels – the old fight or flight' response. All of this depends on how much coffee and caffeine your body can handle at one time. Although your shoe size isn't a factor that affects coffee, there are a number of other things that do, these include: your age, gender, how long you have drinkin coffee, and what kind of coffee you drink. Some studies show tha t drinking decaffeinated coffee does not have the same effects of drinking regular coffee. So it might Just be time to switch that morning cup.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Solve Poverty Throughout the World †Political Science Essay
Solve Poverty Throughout the World – Political Science Essay Free Online Research Papers Solve Poverty Throughout the World Political Science Essay Every country has poor people. This is the so called lower social class. Usually in this class we can find people with very low education who live in the suburbs with no property of their own. In some cases people may become poor because they lose everything on gambling or they have drinking problems or they are addicted to drugs. But these are special cases. In most cases, the poverty passes on to the next generation in the same family. It seems like a magic circle. They were brought up in poverty so they had to start working as soon as possible to earn some money on their own. And these young people had to quit studying after the elementary level even if they very talented because nobody could provide for them. Then they have children with the aim to have some more helping hands at home. And these children are going to have the same life as their parents. Because they do not have time and possibility to achieve any new knowledge, most often they just cannot come up with any new ideas in order to improve their life. We can usually observe the process I have just described in the developed countries where we can see bigger and bigger differences between the rich and the poor every day. And obviously the higher class is taking advantage of the poorest people and furthermore it is doing everything to keep it that way. We have other countries that are fighting the poverty due to political or even geographical reasons. Like Somalia, which has been suffering from poverty for years. First it was because of the long war period and after that because they live in the middle of nothing where it is difficult to grow any plant as they basically have no water. And the population is young, with no medical assistance and no educational system. They do not know how to produce food and how to develop their country. And this scenario is common to many other countries as well. The developed world should take care of them. But not just by sending them supplies but also by teaching them how to make it on their own. Research Papers on Solve Poverty Throughout the World - Political Science EssayThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPETSTEL analysis of IndiaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesStandardized TestingPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Issues On A Contract
In accordance with the law, the Buyer and the Seller have several ways to go about in resolving their disputes. One way to go through the legal system is through a civil trial, where both a judge and a jury preside. The Buyer and the Seller in this case are the plaintiff and defendant, respectively. The plaintiff (Buyer) who is suing the defendant (Seller) for compensatory and punitive damages is accusing the defendant of running him out of business by a breach in the contract. The plaintiff states that since the gasoline weren't delivered to the gas stations, he had to ultimately close down the business. Both the plaintiff and the defendant should hire attorneys with extensive experience in these matters. Once that matter is settled, both plaintiff and defendant should appropriate all the necessary evidence to their attorneys. Evidence can reside in many forms, such as witnesses, documents, and experts. The plaintiff should be aware that the "Burden of proof" lies upon them, and the y will be required to show a preponderance of evidence if the case is to be won. The defendant and the plaintiff can also claim "Discovery" in which both parties can see each other's witnesses, experts, documents, and any other form of evidence before the start of the trial. The jury at the trial will only be looking at the evidence and thus deciding on a verdict based on the facts. When the jury verdict is not based on evidence, the judge has the power to set aside the verdict and make a judgment on his own. The judge's duty is to uphold and define the law, and as stated earlier will also set aside an unreasonable verdict. Both parties should also be aware of another power that the judge holds, which is known as Equity, if a judge proclaims equity then he as the power to take control of the case, because of the unfairness that exists with in the case. Through this the judge can disregard or up hold the law, in which where justice will prevail. After the t... Free Essays on Issues On A Contract Free Essays on Issues On A Contract In accordance with the law, the Buyer and the Seller have several ways to go about in resolving their disputes. One way to go through the legal system is through a civil trial, where both a judge and a jury preside. The Buyer and the Seller in this case are the plaintiff and defendant, respectively. The plaintiff (Buyer) who is suing the defendant (Seller) for compensatory and punitive damages is accusing the defendant of running him out of business by a breach in the contract. The plaintiff states that since the gasoline weren't delivered to the gas stations, he had to ultimately close down the business. Both the plaintiff and the defendant should hire attorneys with extensive experience in these matters. Once that matter is settled, both plaintiff and defendant should appropriate all the necessary evidence to their attorneys. Evidence can reside in many forms, such as witnesses, documents, and experts. The plaintiff should be aware that the "Burden of proof" lies upon them, and the y will be required to show a preponderance of evidence if the case is to be won. The defendant and the plaintiff can also claim "Discovery" in which both parties can see each other's witnesses, experts, documents, and any other form of evidence before the start of the trial. The jury at the trial will only be looking at the evidence and thus deciding on a verdict based on the facts. When the jury verdict is not based on evidence, the judge has the power to set aside the verdict and make a judgment on his own. The judge's duty is to uphold and define the law, and as stated earlier will also set aside an unreasonable verdict. Both parties should also be aware of another power that the judge holds, which is known as Equity, if a judge proclaims equity then he as the power to take control of the case, because of the unfairness that exists with in the case. Through this the judge can disregard or up hold the law, in which where justice will prevail. After the t...
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