Thursday, October 31, 2019
Assignment 4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
4 - Assignment Example During the flood, one is unable to face the harsh behavior of water and thus people are advised to move to the higher regions before the flood. 1. List and describe the most common causes of floods. Causes of Floods Three major causes are found to cause the floods. Theses causes include Tropical storms, Seasonal flooding, Coastal Flooding (, 2013). Tropical Storms Tropical storms and hurricanes remain to have high impact on our lives due to the devastating impact of the heavy winds carrying immense amount of water with them. The resulting rains in response to the hurricanes and tropical storms become a cause of flood. Tropical Depression produces a wind of speeds less than 38 miles per hour. In the tropical depression situation winds have relative less speed as compared to that in the hurricane (, 2013). However, the tropical depressions are found to produce immense rains. Such a type of phenomenon produces some major damages in Georgia with a tremen dous rainfall of about 28 inches that caused flooding. During a tropical Storm the speed of the wind can reach as high as 73 miles per hour and tropical storms are categorized due to having more wind speed (39-73 miles per hour) as compared to the tropical depression. Tropical storms produce immense rain falls that are followed by flooding but some damages are due to the heavy winds. The rainfalls during the tropical storms produce more water than the capacity of the rivers, streams and lakes and thus heavy flooding occurs. Seasonal Flooding In rainy season, (a prolonged raining period mostly in spring or peak summer) the rains may fall more than the capacity of the rivers, streams and lakes and thus the flooding occurs. The flooding is not the sudden rush of water into the streams, lakes and rivers but due to the prolonged period of rains. The water on the rivers, streams and lakes rushes out. The major reason of less absorption of water into the ground is that due to the rains, th e soil becomes saturated and the absorption rate due the unsaturated behavior of the ground lowers and thus the flooding occurs. The melting of the snow during the start of the summer is another reason of the seasonal. It is due to the heavy snow falls in the winter season and during the start of the summer, snow melts and is being converted to huge amount of water that rusher into the streams and at some instance it may become more than the capacity of the streams and rivers that thus the flooding occurs. Both melting of the snow and the rainy seasonal rainfalls may contribute in occurring flooding in combination. Coastal Flooding Due to the severe tropical storms and heavy winds, the winds tend to carry away the ocean water in hevy amounts and thus occur of the coastal areas. In this situation, the sea level rises to the ground level and winds tend to produce waves more than the ground level and flooding occurs. Higher velocity winds create surface turbulence and thus the ocean wa ves present flooding of the coastal areas. The phenomenon is often recognized as storm surge. Coastal flooding is also due to the impact of Tsunamis, volcanic eruption and landslides in the oceans. Tsunamis are caused due to the earthquake which occurs in the ocean not very far from the coastal region. An under oceanic earthquake
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Impression on professionalism in physical therapy core-values self Essay
Impression on professionalism in physical therapy core-values self assessment - Essay Example According to the study conducted under the ‘excellence core value, there were several indicators such as demonstration plus investment in physical therapy, importance of using several material evidence to enhance professional decisions, involvement in collaborative efforts to promote quality health plus education, and others in which the scores were 4 or 5. Under the ‘professional duty’ core value, the author achieved consistency by scoring 4 or 5 levels. The indicators, in this case, included demonstration of beneficence, promotion of physical therapy profession and others. The high rating on these indicators attributes to immense knowledge and experience. The researcher is aware of these indicators and the core values connected to the sample indicators, therefore; he showed consistency of scores. The teller is aware of his professional obligations thus he applies his knowledge of physical therapy to meet these obligations. Under the ‘accountability’ core value, he scored a 3 on the indicator concerning acknowledgement and acceptance of consequences. On the sample indicator of ‘clients requirements above those of therapists’ the score was at level 3. There was the same score for an indicator concerning cultural bias plus gender. The author scored low under the integrity core value on the indicator entailing the limits of his expertise. Other low scores emanated from indicators of political activism and involvement in social justice matters. The low scores attribute to the knowledge and awareness in those areas.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Writing Strategy Brainstorming English Language Essay
The Writing Strategy Brainstorming English Language Essay Brainstorming is a creative problem solving method developed by Alex F. Osborn. It is a tool used to promote ideas created in groups rather and individually. Brainstorming was created by Osborn to allow his company to develop creative ideas as a group since they were struggling to meet this goal individually. Brainstorming has been successful when applied in different environment settings such as in the field of business, government, industries, and in education. Brainstorming can be used to express ideas on issues to engage in, create possible solutions for problems, and offer a variety of approaches to use, or opinions on actions to take. We use brainstorming in the classroom to stimulate ideas on topics for writing, reading, problem solving in math, science, and social studies. Brainstorming in education can start as early as Kindergarten. Not only does brainstorming offer a variety of opinions and ideas from the students, but it also improves the peer interaction in the classroom . Students communicate with each other, give their thoughts and opinions on broad categories, and work together to problem solve. Brainstorming can be used in small groups, and as a whole class group to combine ideas and create list based on everybodys suggestions. Small group interaction has long been cited as an effective teaching technique. This interaction is of importance because the pupil has the opportunity to become actively involved in the process of learning. (Wood, 2001) Brainstorming can be used throughout all the academic subjects in school, but it is crucial when used in writing. It is a strategy that can be used in the planning stage of writing. In the planning stage students begin to organize their thoughts. Class discussions such as brainstorming together can establish the topic, type, purpose, and audience of the composition. Rodriques states that prewriting activities, including group brainstorming, are the most important part of the writing process. (Rodriques, 1 983) There are two ways for people to communicate with each other by writing and speaking. Writing allows students to express their feelings and thoughts as well as to communicate with one another. Writing skills are essential for students to develop and brainstorming assists students in writing. Brainstorming is highly recommended to allow students to create list of ideas and topics they can use to write. Brainstorming facilitates the writing process and prevents writing blockage. Many time students have difficulties in writing because they havent established topics or ideas, by brainstorming together the students come up with ideas they can build on when writing. Brainstorming is a very beneficial strategy since it can help a team encourage creativity, rapidly produces a large number of ideas, equalize involvement of all the team members, and foster a sense of ownership. Several studies were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of brainstorming when writing. One study created by Orson concluded that a group using brainstorming produced 44% more useful ideas than individuals thinking up suggestions without the benefit of group discussion. A review of brainstorming research was conducted and it concluded that 16 studies found support for the productivity of brainstorming versus contributing ideas individually. (Isaksen, 1998) The overall outcome of the Isaken review determined that based on the studies compiled brainstorming groups produced more ideas than individuals working alone. A study conducted by Troaia and Graham examined the effectiveness of planning strategies for writing in fourth and fifth graders with learning disabilities. Twenty fourth and fifth grade students with learning disabilities from two suburban elementary schools in Atlanta participated in this study. The participants were divided into the experimental treatment group and th e comparative treatment group. The experimental treatment group received advance planning strategy instruction of goal setting, brainstorming, and organizing. The comparative treatment group received a modified version of process writing instruction. This approach is compatible with the process writing instruction that students regularly receive in the classroom. The study showed that the students who received more time planning stories and brainstorming ideas before writing, produced stories that were qualitatively better. A month after the instruction had ended students who were taught the planning strategies maintained their advantage in story quality, but also produced longer stories than those produced by their peers who were just taught the writing process. The results tell me that teachers need to promote brainstorming during the planning stage of the writing process. Teachers need to teach students the rules of brainstorming by providing constant modeling, plenty of opportunities to practice brainstorming, and scaffolding. Teachers need to provide students with explicit directions on how to use the brainstorming process. It is very important that teachers not only teach students how to brainstorm together, but also teach them the guidelines for an effective brainstorming session. Teachers need to emphasize that judgment of ideas is not allowed, eccentric ideas are encouraged, a large quantity of ideas is preferred, and students should build on one anothers ideas. Being a first grade teacher I know the importance of building the students writing skills early and preparing them for the future. I have seen many teachers in many grades not promoting writing as much as other subjects. I believe that in first grade writing is as equally imp ortant as reading. Students are reading to write and writing to read. Reading and writing are interdependent to each other and the success of leaning this is very beneficial for students. Teachers need to know that in order for students to develop strong literacy skills, they need to combine reading and writing instruction and create reading and writing activities. Lesson Plan Objective: When given a writing prompt, students will use the brainstorming process and steps of the writing process to write a story. Participants: 2nd grade students in an inclusion classroom Materials: writing paper, white board or chart tablet paper, marker and writing utensils. Steps: The teacher tells the students they are going to learn a new strategy today called brainstorming. The teacher provides the students with more details on the brainstorming process including the rules and guidelines of using this process. The teacher will remind the students that brainstorming is done in the planning stage of the writing process. The teacher models the strategy for the students following all the steps and providing plenty of examples on this strategy. The teacher asks the students for feedback of the process and answers students questions. The teacher will then break up the students in groups of 4 to practice this strategy. The teacher will make one person from the group a leader and another person the secretary. The leaders role is to make sure the group stays on topic and everyone is participating. The secretarys role is to write down ideas the group is providing. The teacher reminds the students that the guidelines are to rule out critical judgment, eccentric ideas are encouraged, a large quantity of ideas are preferred, and that they should build on one anothers ideas. The teacher provides the students with a practice prompt to allow them to practice this strategy. This also allows them to experiment with the process and ask questions they may have now that they are practicing the strategy. After 15 minutes of practicing the teacher calls the students back to the carpet to talk about what they experienced and to try to fix any problems that might have come up as they were working together. The teacher then gives the students the prompt that they will be writing for their composition: Pretend you are visiting Santas workshop the week before Christmas. Write a story to your friends describing what the workshop is like. Make sure you provide details of things you saw, people you met, things you ate, and what you did during your adventure. Remember to start your story with an exciting topic sentence to captivate the attention of your friends. Dont forget to use beginning, middle, and end in your story as well as plenty of adjectives. Check your writing for correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Use the editing checklist to help you with your writing. The teacher separates the students back into their groups and ask them to brainstorm ideas that can be used with this prompt. The teacher leaves the prompt on the board to allow students to refer to it as they are coming up with their ideas. Once again the students are reassigned to their roles of leaders and secretaries. The students are given 20 min to come up with ideas. After 20 minutes, the students come together to the carpet to report their ideas. Each group states their ideas as the teacher writes them down on a chart paper. After all the groups have said their ideas, the teacher reviews all the ideas from the chart paper. The chart paper is displayed throughout the writing process so students can refer to it as needed. The teacher reviews the rest of the writing process stages: planning, drafting, revising and editing, and the final draft. The teacher also reviews the rubric that will be used to grade their stories. The teacher provides the students with examples and non examples on ways to receive a 4 on their writing. The students go back to their desk and for the next four days work on the completion of their composition. The students are given a self check and peer editing checklist to use during the revising and editing process. After they have completed their composition the teacher asks for volunteers to present their stories in the authors chair. Evaluation: The students will be evaluated using a writing rubric. Writing Checklist Authors Name: _________________ Title of Work: _________________ Peers Name: ___________________ Directions: Use this checklist to check over your paper. Mark the column with a Æ’Â ¼ after you have checked the paper carefully. Then have a peer complete the Peer Editor column and mark the column with a Æ’Â ¼ as they check your paper. Author Peer Editor Checklist Items   ±   ± Is the prompt followed correctly?   ±   ± Does the writing make sense?   ±   ± Does the paper have complete sentences?   ±   ± Do sentences start with a capital letter?   ±   ± Are proper nouns capitalized?   ±   ± Do sentences have ending marks?   ±   ± Are words spelled correctly?
Friday, October 25, 2019
Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Good evening. I’d like you all to do something for me. Think of one person who has inspired you, someone who you look up to and admire; someone who has done impressive things in their life. This person is someone that you will never forget. Now realize that that person has had to put in a great deal of work and time to achieve great things in their life. Know that nothing worth having or achieving comes easily. People like these can be hard to come by, but as students of Stoll High School, we have been extremely fortunate to have access to an entire staff of eager, ambitious and passionate teachers. Over our years here at SHS, many of us have been encouraged by one, if not more, of these extraordinary people. Perhaps when I asked you to think of that person who has inspired you, it was one of your teachers. These are the people who make a difference in the world. They may not affect the price of tea in China, but they challenge people around them to become better than they ever could on their own. Personally, I have been motivated and inspired by several excellent teachers. I would love to go through and list them all and tell you what they’ve done for me, but I’m afraid that if I did, I would lose the attention of those of you who are still actually listening to me. However, I would like to mention two of my personal heroes. First of all, the most challenging teacher I have ever had, Brady Smithson. I’m not sure exactly how I did it, but I survived two and a half years in her English classes, and somehow managed to keep my sanity. But through it all, she taught me to work harder than I ever imagined I could. Thanks for everything. And also, there’s my greatest inspiration, John Grabowski. Mr. Grabowski, thank you for the exceptional improvements which you have brought to the music program. It is so encouraging to see a teacher who views his work not as a job, but as a quest.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Let Bygones be Bygones Essay
A time in my life that I will always have memories of is being sent to J.J.A.E.P, which stands for Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program in the 8th grade. The reason I was emitted to alternative school was because I brought a container of painkillers to school. I will not go into much detail about my time in J.J.A.E.P but it was a time that I wouldn’t want to relive. It was a moment in my life that I wanted to forget about completely and just move along. This right here is a good example of me siding with the saying â€Å" Let bygones be bygones†. What this quote means in todays society is that let the unpleasant events that took place in your past be forgotten. The Saying â€Å"Let bygones be bygones†dates way back in the 15th century when Shakespeare used the word â€Å"bygone†which simply meant ‘a thing that has gone by’, in his play called â€Å"The Winters Tale,†1611: â€Å"This satisfaction, The by-gone-day proclaymâ €™d, say this to him.†As the years blew past the word â€Å"bygone†became more to be known as events that took place in the past specifically events that people don’t favor to remember. Disregarding the moments in your life that seem to be unpleasant to you or someone can be good because it wont haunt you at the most vulnerable moments in your life but at the same time its not good to just let bygones be bygones as they say because how is someone ever going to learn from their mistakes? So I believe that this quote can be debated and turned into something more like â€Å"Always remember the rough times.†The reason I choose to flip the quote the way I did is because all of the things I have done to be unsatisfying to others, myself, or even just being flat out wrong, I learned from those things and it has taught me to better myself as a person and as well as to better the things I do with my with my life. One example I can think of is when I got my first speeding ticket. Now I know that no one would be pleased to get a speeding ticket and when I got mine I was stunned. At the time of receiving my ticket I was hoping that this would be the only time id ever have to experience this. The only way I would avoid getting in the situation again is if id learn from my mistake and that is exactly what I did. I will always remember this tough moment in my life instead of going with the quote â€Å"let bygones be bygones.†If I would have just forgotten about my ticket and go on with my daily routine I could of have much worst consequences coming my way. Everybody has those rough times in their life at one time or another either it be something big like getting bullied in school or something smaller like stubbing your big toe on a piece of furniture. This shows that there is certain scenarios where a person should remember the rough times and let bygones be bygones. There are a few examples I can think of that siding with the quote â€Å"let bygones be bygones†would be necessary and also remembering the rough times is more than okay in most scenarios depending on the person and their feelings about certain things. Some scenarios that I can list that letting bygones be bygones is okay in my opinion is getting in a fight with your friend or significant other is okay to forget about because there will always be times when you’ll get into an argument with others but over time the heated argument will be forgotten. A time where I think, â€Å"remembering the rough times†is most significant is when you or someone else has been through a struggle. For example getting arrested, failing in school, or even being in a house fire. These particular moments that someone goes through will more than likely always be remembered by that person. I believe that these two quotes â€Å"let bygones be bygones†and â€Å"always remembering the rough times†are both good and relevant quotes that people should live by. If it’s letting go of an incident that you weren’t proud of or just being wrong these quotes whichever one it might be are both meaningful and should always be remembered.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Caffeine C and E
What Do I Get From My Morning Coffee Some people are morning people, but I am not one of those people. Every morning it seems as if I am in a fog until that warm cup of coffee touches my lips. Similar to a drug habit, the more a person drinks coffee, the more it seems like that person cant function without it. But what are you really getting from your coffee? Along with other factors, coffee can have both positive and negative effects on your health. Coffee improves the bodys tolerance to glucose by increasing metabolism or mproving its tolerance to insulin.People who drink four cups of caffeinated coffee each day had shown to be 56 percent less likely to develop diabetes than were non- drinkers. Diabetes is the most common risk factor of liver cancer, so American adults may have something to celebrate as they sip their morning cup. A study of one hundred twenty-four older adults, ages sixty-five to eighty-eight, with mild cognitive impairment found that caffeine and coffee intake wa s associated with a reduced risk f developing Dementia and early onset Alzheimer's.Coffee is known to be problematic for acid reflux and heartburn. Acid reflux and heartburn can be caused by coffee due to the way it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (muscle that closes the airway). This small muscle should remain tightly closed to prevent the contents of your stomach from coming back up into the esophagus and burning its lining with hydrochloric acid. Drinking a lot of coffee will promote the release of the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine.These hemicals increase your bodys heart rate, blood pressure and tension levels – the old fight or flight' response. All of this depends on how much coffee and caffeine your body can handle at one time. Although your shoe size isn't a factor that affects coffee, there are a number of other things that do, these include: your age, gender, how long you have drinkin coffee, and what kind of coffee you drink. Some studies show tha t drinking decaffeinated coffee does not have the same effects of drinking regular coffee. So it might Just be time to switch that morning cup.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Solve Poverty Throughout the World †Political Science Essay
Solve Poverty Throughout the World – Political Science Essay Free Online Research Papers Solve Poverty Throughout the World Political Science Essay Every country has poor people. This is the so called lower social class. Usually in this class we can find people with very low education who live in the suburbs with no property of their own. In some cases people may become poor because they lose everything on gambling or they have drinking problems or they are addicted to drugs. But these are special cases. In most cases, the poverty passes on to the next generation in the same family. It seems like a magic circle. They were brought up in poverty so they had to start working as soon as possible to earn some money on their own. And these young people had to quit studying after the elementary level even if they very talented because nobody could provide for them. Then they have children with the aim to have some more helping hands at home. And these children are going to have the same life as their parents. Because they do not have time and possibility to achieve any new knowledge, most often they just cannot come up with any new ideas in order to improve their life. We can usually observe the process I have just described in the developed countries where we can see bigger and bigger differences between the rich and the poor every day. And obviously the higher class is taking advantage of the poorest people and furthermore it is doing everything to keep it that way. We have other countries that are fighting the poverty due to political or even geographical reasons. Like Somalia, which has been suffering from poverty for years. First it was because of the long war period and after that because they live in the middle of nothing where it is difficult to grow any plant as they basically have no water. And the population is young, with no medical assistance and no educational system. They do not know how to produce food and how to develop their country. And this scenario is common to many other countries as well. The developed world should take care of them. But not just by sending them supplies but also by teaching them how to make it on their own. Research Papers on Solve Poverty Throughout the World - Political Science EssayThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPETSTEL analysis of IndiaInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesStandardized TestingPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Issues On A Contract
In accordance with the law, the Buyer and the Seller have several ways to go about in resolving their disputes. One way to go through the legal system is through a civil trial, where both a judge and a jury preside. The Buyer and the Seller in this case are the plaintiff and defendant, respectively. The plaintiff (Buyer) who is suing the defendant (Seller) for compensatory and punitive damages is accusing the defendant of running him out of business by a breach in the contract. The plaintiff states that since the gasoline weren't delivered to the gas stations, he had to ultimately close down the business. Both the plaintiff and the defendant should hire attorneys with extensive experience in these matters. Once that matter is settled, both plaintiff and defendant should appropriate all the necessary evidence to their attorneys. Evidence can reside in many forms, such as witnesses, documents, and experts. The plaintiff should be aware that the "Burden of proof" lies upon them, and the y will be required to show a preponderance of evidence if the case is to be won. The defendant and the plaintiff can also claim "Discovery" in which both parties can see each other's witnesses, experts, documents, and any other form of evidence before the start of the trial. The jury at the trial will only be looking at the evidence and thus deciding on a verdict based on the facts. When the jury verdict is not based on evidence, the judge has the power to set aside the verdict and make a judgment on his own. The judge's duty is to uphold and define the law, and as stated earlier will also set aside an unreasonable verdict. Both parties should also be aware of another power that the judge holds, which is known as Equity, if a judge proclaims equity then he as the power to take control of the case, because of the unfairness that exists with in the case. Through this the judge can disregard or up hold the law, in which where justice will prevail. After the t... Free Essays on Issues On A Contract Free Essays on Issues On A Contract In accordance with the law, the Buyer and the Seller have several ways to go about in resolving their disputes. One way to go through the legal system is through a civil trial, where both a judge and a jury preside. The Buyer and the Seller in this case are the plaintiff and defendant, respectively. The plaintiff (Buyer) who is suing the defendant (Seller) for compensatory and punitive damages is accusing the defendant of running him out of business by a breach in the contract. The plaintiff states that since the gasoline weren't delivered to the gas stations, he had to ultimately close down the business. Both the plaintiff and the defendant should hire attorneys with extensive experience in these matters. Once that matter is settled, both plaintiff and defendant should appropriate all the necessary evidence to their attorneys. Evidence can reside in many forms, such as witnesses, documents, and experts. The plaintiff should be aware that the "Burden of proof" lies upon them, and the y will be required to show a preponderance of evidence if the case is to be won. The defendant and the plaintiff can also claim "Discovery" in which both parties can see each other's witnesses, experts, documents, and any other form of evidence before the start of the trial. The jury at the trial will only be looking at the evidence and thus deciding on a verdict based on the facts. When the jury verdict is not based on evidence, the judge has the power to set aside the verdict and make a judgment on his own. The judge's duty is to uphold and define the law, and as stated earlier will also set aside an unreasonable verdict. Both parties should also be aware of another power that the judge holds, which is known as Equity, if a judge proclaims equity then he as the power to take control of the case, because of the unfairness that exists with in the case. Through this the judge can disregard or up hold the law, in which where justice will prevail. After the t...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Anthropology Flashcards Example for Free (#5)
Anthropology the belief that people everywhere see the world in the same way. a teacher who has a special kind of student: professional anthropologist. Almost any individual who has acquired a collection of cultural behavior. the learned and shared knowledge that people use to generate behavior and interpret experience cultural knowledge people can talk about EX: language cultural knowledge people lack words for EX: phonemes process of discovering and describing a particular culture systems of cultural knowledge characteristic of subgroups within larger societies someone who teaches their culture to an anthropologist an individual who responds to questions included on questionnaires; the subject of survey research the belief that people everywhere see the world in the same way state of anxiety that results from cross-cultural misunderstanding belief and feeling that one’s culture is best anything we can perceive with our senses that stands for something else of cultural knowledge used to generate and interpret speech refers to the behavior that produces vocal sounds consists of the categories and rules for forming vocal symbols minimal categories of speech sounds that serve to keep utterances apart refers to the categories and rules for combining vocal symbols categories in any language that carry meaning refer to the categories and rules for relating vocal symbols to their referents combine meaningful utterances with social situations into appropriate messages relationship of an organism to other elements within its environmental sphere the way people use their culture to adapt to particular environments the world as people experience it with their senses the categories and rules people use to classify and explain their physical environment strategies used by groups of people to exploit their environment for material necessities. Hunting and gathering, horticulture, pastoralism, agriculture, and industrialism are subsistence strategies. subsistence strategy involving the foraging of wild, naturally occurring foods a kind of subsistence strategy involving semi-extensive, usually shifting, agriculural practices ex: slash and burn a subsistence strategy based on the maintenance and use of large herds of animals a subsistence strategy involving intensive farming of permanent fields through the use of such means as the plow, irrigation, and fertilizer a subsistence strategy marked by intensive, mechanized food production and elaborate distribution networks the knowledge people use to assign rights to the ownership and use of resources the part of a culture that involves the knowledge that people use to make and use tools and to extract and refine raw materials the rules that govern the assignment of jobs to people the group of people responsible for producing something the strategies for apportioning goods and services among the members of a group the transfer of goods and services based on price, supply, and demand the transfer of goods and services between two people or groups based on their role obligations. A form of nonmarket exchange the transfer of goods and services between a group of people and a central collecting service based on role obligation. The US income tax is a good example economies in which production and exchange are motivated by market factors: price, supply, and demand. Market economies are associated with large societies where impersonal exchange is common. the process that promotes economic, political, and other cultural connections among people living all over the world the economic incorporation of different parts of the world into a system based on capitalism, not politics people who flee their country of origin because they share a well-founded fear of persecution individuals who are given temporary visas to live and work in another country literally, more than one culture. Usually applied to situations where groups with different cultural backgrounds are part of a larger social aggregate the passage of a cultural category, culturally defined behavior, of culturally produced artifact from one society to another through borrowing the process by which a cultural custom, idea, of concept is transformed to fit the cultural context of a society that borrows it We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy We will write a custom sample essay on
Saturday, October 19, 2019
A Brief History of Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
A Brief History of Globalization - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of globalization as a process (or set of processes) which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, expressed in transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction, and power. Globalisation is perhaps the most overused and least understood word, and one can easily see that the meaning and scope of the word has transformed and evolved dramatically over the past few years. The controversy associated with it proves how complicated scholars on both sides have made it. Under this backdrop, here is someone with a rational approach who seeks to clarify the concepts. Alex MacGillivray’s views are wry and balanced, replete with historic anecdotes and high-quality analysis of each aspect and implication of globalization. He litters his writing with speckles of benign humor when referring to the steady growth in the number of countries over the last few decades accord ing to membership of the UN, recognition by FIFA or entries in the CIA’s World Fact Book. His observations are woven logically into the fabric of first-rate primary data analysis. For instance, a new data set showing that much of the reputed growth of an international trade over the past two decades arise from regional (intra trading block), rather than a truly international movement of goods and services. This idea contrasts what organizations like WTO and World Bank acclaim as the benefits of globalization.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Sales Managment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Sales Managment - Assignment Example This paper appproves that in accordance with the facts mentioned by Bakosh, it can be said that this author has laid significant amount of focus on multiple other aspects of motivating sales teams rather than just concentrating on the financial incentive type. As per the author, it is an utmost necessity for managers to lay prime importance in terms of effectively understanding basic employee requirements which include factors such as health, safety, security, social recognition, self-esteem and multiple more. In keeping with the author, these factors are mainly responsible for physically as well as mentally motivating the employees and thus helping them to attain desired organisational objectives. This essay makes a conclusion that for undertaking this field visit and questionnaire assignment, the ‘Hubbard Foods Ltd’ was chosen. This company is an Auckland based organisation and is mainly involved in terms of manufacturing breakfast cereals. The objective of this live assignment was to carry out an open ended questionnaire session with the National Sales Manager of the company Mr Daniel O'Brien. The summarised view of the responses to the posed questions is provided hereunder. In accordance to the first question, Mr O'Brien replied that the company’s sales team was pretty strong and effective in terms of handling every situation either favourable or unfavourable. The team has got significant amount of experience about the domestic market and they seem to be highly self-motivated.
Supply Chain Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2
Supply Chain Managment - Essay Example With constant changes in the operational environment, most organizations are aware that performance and competitiveness in their respective markets can only be enhanced through creation of an active supply chain. This paper looks at some of the strategic implications of supply chain distribution in an organization and their influence on productivity and competitiveness of organizations. Various scholars have come up with various definitions to illustrate on what is meant by supply chain. According to Jacoby (2009:17), supply chain is a process through which goods are channelled from the point of production to the point of distribution, aiming at reaching consumers at the right time to gain profit. Processes involved in chains of distribution are so numerous that it requires aggressive business people to implement all of them. Such activities involve managing people, trying to utilize information, which helps in service delivery and utilization of the available resources in order to m aximize output. It is also worth to discuss supply chain management, which goes hand in hand with supply chain. Supply chain management is a term used to describe the network through which goods move from their raw nature through the processes of execution, procuring, processing, and distribution to the final consumers with an aim of creating and increasing net value. The supply chain management can be best understood by considering its classification and by looking at the components that constitute the supply chain. Such components include procurement procedures, the process of acquisition of raw materials, conversion of the raw materials into finished products and lastly logistics. All these have a role to play in ensuring that final consumers get the quality products and services they require at the right time. Considerably, a business should have it in mind that the driving force behind consumer satisfaction should not overwhelm the expenses incurred in production. The cost of p roduction and other legal charges like taxes should decide the cost of goods and services. However, offering quality goods and services should be at the heart of every profit making organization. It is not appropriate for a company to talk about supply chain without generally taking into consideration that it should be their objective to increase sales and in turn maximize profit. Every profit making organization has a role to play in ensuring that the correct supply chain application creates business and customer relations hence improve not only sales but also the required rapport in a business friendly environment. In line with this, it is in order to look at some of the contributions of supply chain to competitive advantages and profitability. According to Blanchard (2010: 12), carefully selected supply chains help in the reduction of cost of production. Companies and businesses can only achieve double-digit growth through effectively cutting on the cost of operating business. Th is can be done through opting for the best and reliable factors of production such as labour. Other subsidiary factors that facilitate production such as transportation costs can be minimized by setting up a business closer to the source of raw materials. This will not only minimize time wastage from the point of manufacturing to the consumers but it will also reduce other problems associated
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Software Usability SLP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Software Usability SLP - Research Paper Example The homepage provides a brief description about the content of the main sections making it more user friendly to the customers. Each section is further divided in to subsections and different categories for convenience. Related links are also provided with the content of each section. A link is provided in the home page to the blog which was started in July 2009 and has several usability articles. Unlike a typical personal or commercial website, this blog is written by authors with sound professional background adding more value to the authenticity and accuracy of the article. Comments for the blog articles were also written or moderated carefully by the experts and beneficiaries in the field. Commercial advertisements such as Google ads are not run in the website following the usual practice of official websites. However site promotional announcements and RSS feeds are displayed right top corner of the homepage and other sections. The design, fonts and the colors used in the site are user friendly and comfortable. The site provides a range of specific and undiluted information on usability. However categorization seems to be lacked in this site. Most of the articles are written randomly without relating to existing articles. Although the search option is provided in the website, it is still confusing to find the needed information. If information in the main sections categorized under relevant topics and lessons (instead of random articles) are provided this will be more convenient for the target audience. Most of the articles provided in the site are short in length. Although they provide information on major topics directly, the users who visit an official government website expect more informative content than briefed information. Although the accuracy and the authenticity high number of articles as well as the length in the site is not adequate for a government official
Evidence Based Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evidence Based - Assignment Example Critical appraisal is currently a key component included in the training and continuing professional development of all health professionals like nurses in various settings (Burls, 2009). Critical appraisal allows a nurse to judge the validity, reliability and applicability of results of any clinical research while applying it to practice (Burls, 2009). This is because, the process includes intrinsic factors of research like study design, methods, results, etc,to analyze the value of the study. Critical appraisal is a very essential component of evidence based practice which is gaining momentum. The process of critical appraisal involves identifying the appropriateness of the study for the purpose of evidence based practice, ascertaining whether the studies have been conducted in a way which makes the results sensible, making sense of the results by analyzing the methodology of analysis and also understanding the meaning of the results in the context of decision making (Burls, 2009). One of the main challenges to implementation of critical appraisal for evidence based practice is lack of evidence seeking behaviour amongst many clinicians, poor attitude towards evidence based practice, need for appropriate technical knowledge of research design and statistics which are difficult to acquire and lack of time (Brice and Booth, 2005). Brice, A., and Booth, A. (2005). Fusion or confusion?: challenges in applying critical appraisal methods to the health library literature. EAHIL Workshop: Implementation of quality systems and certification of biomedical libraries, Palermo, June 23-25, 2005. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from Burls, A. (2009). What is Critical Appraisal? Evidence Based Medicane Second Edition. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
American Governement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
American Governement - Essay Example That is, the constitution that has become synonymous with what is known of the American existence. To best understand the power of the document and the events surrounding its creation, the first thing to do, would be to observe the very men who were involved, with the process of creating it from the beginning. The very men that, through their efforts, would pave the way towards the present state of the American process of government. One of those very men would be James Madison. A man who would set forth to help create a governing document and someone who would at one point serve the young nation as it's 4th President. With everything riding upon the insatiable desire of the men to create a document that would prove to be long lasting, the stakes involved would appear to be considerable. A key concern for the founders, would be the preservation of liberty. Author James Wilson includes the following portion in his text, of a statement given by James Madison, that involved the creation of a stable government. It reads in part, "... You must first enable the government to control the governed: and in the next place oblige it to control itself," (Wilson, p. 15, 2005). As is the case in many other instances, initial intentions may fall by the waste side during the course of an initial process with a desire goal(s) in mind. In the case of the Constitutional Convention, "When James Madison and the other 56 delegates to the Constitutional Convention met in Philadelphia in May 1787, they intended to amend the Articles of Confederation," ("James Madison's", para. 1, n.d.). While the men would have initially come together to revise an existing document, the resulting consequences of their final work would have lasting implications for over two centuries. Another existing document that served to be a basis for the resulting doctrine of the constitution, would be the Virginia Plan. Basically a summation of the intended items intended for inclusion in the final draft of the constitution, the plan itself would become one of the many parts of this historical period in time. "By agreeing to consider the Virginia Plan, the convention, fundamentally altered its task from amending the Articles to designing a true national government," (Wilson, p.16, 2005). To give a better glimpse of the outside environment surrounding the convention, "May 25, 1787, freshly spread dirt covered the cobblestone street in front of the Pennsylvania State House, protecting the men inside from the sound of passing carriages and carts," (Bent, para. 1, n.d.). From such menial beginnings at the heart of pre-technological advancement, along with varying sociological and economic circumstances of the era at the time, the constitution would be an enduring document that would stand the test of time. Having the intended changes and guidelines be such that, it would continue to be felt by the very nation that it was created to protect. In place of a reigning monarch, the American political system would be comprised of a central political figure, in this case the President, along with a judicial branch made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate. With each body of power, the President's being considered the Executive, having their own roles that would, from time to time over many decades, find themselves intertwined with each other to varying degrees. Aligning itself with this very mentality, authors Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis make
Evidence Based Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evidence Based - Assignment Example Critical appraisal is currently a key component included in the training and continuing professional development of all health professionals like nurses in various settings (Burls, 2009). Critical appraisal allows a nurse to judge the validity, reliability and applicability of results of any clinical research while applying it to practice (Burls, 2009). This is because, the process includes intrinsic factors of research like study design, methods, results, etc,to analyze the value of the study. Critical appraisal is a very essential component of evidence based practice which is gaining momentum. The process of critical appraisal involves identifying the appropriateness of the study for the purpose of evidence based practice, ascertaining whether the studies have been conducted in a way which makes the results sensible, making sense of the results by analyzing the methodology of analysis and also understanding the meaning of the results in the context of decision making (Burls, 2009). One of the main challenges to implementation of critical appraisal for evidence based practice is lack of evidence seeking behaviour amongst many clinicians, poor attitude towards evidence based practice, need for appropriate technical knowledge of research design and statistics which are difficult to acquire and lack of time (Brice and Booth, 2005). Brice, A., and Booth, A. (2005). Fusion or confusion?: challenges in applying critical appraisal methods to the health library literature. EAHIL Workshop: Implementation of quality systems and certification of biomedical libraries, Palermo, June 23-25, 2005. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from Burls, A. (2009). What is Critical Appraisal? Evidence Based Medicane Second Edition. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Homemade Plastic Baggy Ice Cream Essay Example for Free
Homemade Plastic Baggy Ice Cream Essay Ever really want ice cream but did not feel like going out to get it? Now you can make it at home with no ice cream maker needed to make it. Ice cream is surprisingly easy to make yourself. It is also a fun yet quick process. There are only a few steps in creating this delicious, loved, cold treat. All you need is a few ingredients and to shake, shake, shake! The first thing you will need to do is gather all of the items that you need. To make plastic baggy ice cream you will need the following; sugar, half and half, salt; rock salt works best, vanilla, ice cubes; enough to fill half of the gallon size bag, one pint size Ziploc bag, and one gallon size Ziploc bag. After all of your items are gathered, the sugar, half and half, and salt will all have to be measured out. You will need two tablespoons of sugar, a half teaspoon of vanilla, one cup of half and half, and a half a cup of salt. Once everything is gathered, measured, and ready to go, it is time to get started adding everything together. The first thing you will want to do is open your small, pint size plastic baggy. Next you will want to combine your sugar with the half and half and vanilla all in the plastic bag. Once everything is in the baggy, make sure it is closed and sealed tight. Afterwards, you will need to get the gallon size bag ready. Open your gallon Ziploc bag and fill it about half full with ice. Once the ice is in the baggy, add the half cup of salt right into the gallon bag, over the ice. Before you close your bag, place the sealed, pint size bag in along with the salt and ice. When the pint size bag has been placed into the gallon size, seal the gallon size back tight. After everything is combined into the right baggies and they are sealed tight, it is time to shake. It should take about five minutes or so of continuous shaking to start seeing the difference of the liquid turning into the solid. You want to shake the gallon size bag really well until you can feel the mixture of things in the pint size bag starting to get ice cream textured. Immediately following the shaking of the bag and the pint size bag is starting to harden, carefully open the gallon size bag. Make sure to open the bag carefully because you do not want the ice falling out. Once you have opened the bag, pull the pint size bag out of the gallon size bag. Your ice cream is now ready to eat! You will usually have a single serve size or two serving sizes. In the end, you can add whatever mixings you want to; sugars, sprinkles, chocolate sauce, etcetera. Making ice cream at home is not hard at all and there are only a couple of supplies needed in order to do so! Furthermore, making plastic bag ice cream is a great activity to do especially with kids! It is a fun way to get your children and their friends involved with making their own ice cream and learning measurements. It is a very simple activity. It also gives you a free, all access pass to the delicious treat you love, as well as an easy clean up! All there is to do in the end is simple, dump the ice out of the gallon baggy and throw both bags out.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Commercialization And Profit Making Incentive In Healthcare Economics Essay
Commercialization And Profit Making Incentive In Healthcare Economics Essay Commercialization and the profit making motive in healthcare has been an issue for heated debate in recent times. Should the healthcare industry be regarded as a for profit enterprise or retain the philosophical approach intended which should be to treat sick patients at the barest minimum available price? I will with this essay present an argument against commercialization or a profit making incentive by looking at it from the perspective of the physician, the economy, the patient and all other stakeholders in the sector. As far back as ancient China, a member of a family was expected to be proficient in the art of medicine in other to meet the health demands of his kin. This has eventually evolved into receiving a financial reward for this expertise and hence the emergence of the medical profession as we have known it to be. A doctor sees a patient and receives a fee for treatment offered. This is in itself not a bad thing as quite agreeably, a service has been offered and like most services, should involve remuneration. Only problem with this is that unlike most other types of services, healthcare is quite a peculiar form of service as it doesnt follow the normal laws of economics. For example, a hotelier can decide not to accommodate an individual without the financial capacity to pay for a room but it screams out against all the medical profession has stood for in all these years to turn an individual (who for the sake of strengthening this argument, needs a minimal intervention to prevent a life threatening catastrophe) without the financial capacity away from the hospital. Needless it is to mention that the medical profession is one that has been governed by ethics and rules, the very foundations that make the profession a noble one. A profit making motive serves to do a whole lot more damage than good. Basic definitions Before resuming this essay, it will be important to understand the basic definitions of to concepts which will be the sole foundations of this argument. Profession: As Hodson and Sullivan explain, a profession is a knowledge-based occupation with high status that has four principal characteristics: specialized knowledge, autonomy, and authority over other subordinate occupational groups, and a degree of altruism (Hodson and Sullivan, 2002). These four characteristics can be said to serve as the basic ideologies which define a profession. Commercialized healthcare: Provision of healthcare services through market relationships to those who can afford it; investments in and production of services and of inputs to them, for cash income to profit, including private contracting and supply to publicly financed health services; and healthcare finance by individual payment and private insurance. (UNRISD, 2005) COMMERCIALIZATION AND THE PATIENT It has been effectively argued that putting a price on health will reduce number of patients who seek unnecessary procedures or surgeries such as in the case of cosmetic surgery, or even more positively make people more health conscious for example people will avoid being morbidly obese as they know that the cost of a gastric by-pass surgery will be overwhelming, and will do all they can to get into shape, eat healthier and live a relatively healthier life than if it wasnt expensive. However, the relationship between a physician and the patient is one of trust, where the patient subjects him/herself to the judgement of the physician, judging that the physicians decision about his/her health will be solely guided by the patients best interest at heart, a vulnerable position, very open to abuse and can encourage to promote profit producing drugs, unnecessary surgeries, tests and treatment. In this situation, the possibilities for manipulation and abuse of the trust are limitless. Studies have shown reduced trustworthiness amongst for-profit institutions (Schlesinger et al., 2005). There have been cases heard of doctors keeping patients on dialysis earlier than they should be so that more money can be made, or refusing/not suggesting a kidney transplant which can stop the dialysis altogether. In particular, the relationship between the provider and consumer in this case cannot be compared to what gives under normal economic market forces. This is because the healthc are consumer is not sovereign and lacks the medical know about their condition and what they exactly require. Besides the sick or frightened patients do not regard their physicians as they would normal purveyors of goods and services nor do they regard the hospital as a department store. This is all without mentioning the economic impact it will have on the patient, who might be made to pay for what is relatively cheaper, or even totally unnecessary and that might not be beneficial to the patients health at all. In a for-profit enterprise, treatments and procedures lacking an opening for profit, however effective and cost saving will be disregarded to make way for newer and sometimes even unreliable but far more profitable procedures and treatment. One of the most pressing issues in this is the health inequality gap this creates especially amongst socio-economic groups. Richer individuals who are able to afford the large sums required for their treatment will ultimately survive longer than those who are less privileged. Even the UK health system, which commenced a comprehensive free healthcare system by the mid twentieth century funded by tax revenue, still faces issues with health inequality, how much more a system where healthcare is out of pocket service and with the possibility of profit making motive. COMMERCIALIZATION AND THE DOCTOR The medical doctor is one who has gone through gruelling training to acquire medical skill a supporter of commercialization can easily argue. The cost of training a doctor varies in different countries but arguably tops the list in these countries nonetheless as the training takes longer than a regular undergraduate programme, and of all professions, it is the one that requires constant reading and updating, after all, we are dealing with human lives here. And so, it has been said that well paid professionals, who have no need to worry about their daily needs, and/or catering for their families tend to be the most effective. It is argued that they will be able to concentrate on their jobs fully and perform most efficiently. While comfort cannot be ignored as comfort brings happiness and happiness leads to efficiency, this has never been the backbone of the medical profession. I believe the healthcare provider should be adequately compensated, but not like businessmen, or else the consumer will be perceived as a commodity and no longer as a sick patient in need. For example a healthcare deliverer who is driven for profit, will be biased in the provision of his services, where he/she will have more zeal and attention to a profitable case than he would in a non-profitable one. The physicians oath, which with its third line declares that I will practise my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration, must always be at the back of his/her mind. Commercialization will lead to leaving certain values and morals that are necessary to a community, such as caring, compassion, charity. The idea of altruism should be perpetuated by all healthcare providers and their primary concern has to be the alleviation of human suffering and the restoration of health. Society must not allow such important and fragile virtues to be extinguished by the self-interest that drives for-profit enterprise. Furthermore, as a marketing scheme, multinational drug companies spend more and more on education in medical schools, and also on doctors with the aim of eventually influencing the physicians decision making, tilting to favour the companies sometimes at the expense of the patient. COMMERCIALIZATION AND THE ECONOMY Health is one of the main priorities of a country and the provision of affordable healthcare and a good welfare system should not be a privilege to any member of a large society. Unfortunately, this will not be seen in a profit oriented health setting. Solicitors of for-profit health institutions will argue that with the advent of managed care, less and less will be spent on healthcare. This is by introducing policies of insurance into healthcare because the more people subscribed to the system, the cost for healthcare will be spread over all of them. Physicians under this programme will be advised to use less expensive treatment and sometimes at the expense of the patient. The cost to the workforce of sick patients who are unable to carry out normal daily activities will be very obvious. Also, when the financially capable are the ones who are more likely to get medical attention and the ones who cannot are left out to dry, it further increases the upper-lower class margin creating a terrible inequality that should not be accepted. COMMERCIALIZATION OF HEALTH AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS One of the major driving forces of commercialization of healthcare is the introduction of investor owned institutions. Now everybody wants a dip of this now largely rewarding enterprise ranging from bankers to insurance managers, stockbrokers, economists and so on. This has only done nothing but to undermine the authority of the health care provider as he/she is now subject to higher authority; the authority of investors. This will not allow him/her make the best decisions in favour of the patient as his decisions will become profit oriented. There is also the issue of unfair competition for non profit health institutions. When for profit institutions agree to take only the wealthier clients and those who are able to pay, this indirectly shifts all those who are unable to pay to the non profit health care providers causing an undue and unfair burden on them. In some cases it can also turn non-profit institutions into for profit ones, and cycle continues gradually phasing the non-profit institutions out of existence. The medical establishment works closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good health. Lots of drugs must be sold. In order to achieve this, anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks. Doctors are the principal salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers are the public from infants to the elderly who must be thoroughly medicated and vaccinatedat any cost! Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine? Because they are serving the industry, and the industry cannot make money with herbs, vitamins, and homeopathy. They cannot patent natural remedies. That is why they push synthetics. They control medicine, and that is why they are able to tell medical schools what they can and cannot teach. They have their own sets of laws, and they force people into them. The healthcare industry has become so reliant on the big multinational co mpanies that these funders exert authority over the healthcare providers, and cause them to violate precepts of medical ethics (Grouse, 2008). Misplaced attention driven by profit making incentive is another issue. Multinational pharmaceutical companies focus their research and development on high profile, profit-making drugs like Viagra instead of developing cures for life threatening diseases in poorer countries. COMPARISON OF THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS The UK as earlier mentioned started a comprehensive free medical coverage for its citizens by 1948. The system is sponsored by tax revenue from its citizens. And as such, healthcare is fully monitored by the government through one body; the NHS which is Englands public health service provider, leading to the provision of free healthcare to its citizens. There are private health institutions for those who will want to pay for services but this is said to be patronized by just about 8% of the total population. Some of the disadvantages of this healthcare system are longer waiting lists as everyone has equal access to healthcare, questionable quality of service as the healthcare providers might sometimes forget that the patient has paid for the service required already through taxes. However, this system has the advantage of free healthcare and nothing beats that. The United State in comparison is largely owned and operated by the private sector. Healthcare insurance is provided largely by the private sector as well except for some health programmes such as the medicare, Medicaid, tricare, the childrens health insurance programme and the veterans health administration which in all are unable to cater for an appreciable percentage of the total population. This kind of healthcare system that is largely dominated by the private sector allows for the profit making incentive to be a common trend. Both systems their strengths and weaknesses Commercialisation of healthcare is something that has been thoroughly scorned on by members of the profession itself. Various medical associations have risen up to fight this threat to the profession. CONCLUSION It is true that a lot of investment goes into the training of a doctor or any healthcare specialist at that and that they need to be well remunerated for their services, however this should not be a primary focus of the service provider because as this essay has shown, the health market differs from all other markets and that the patient doctor relationship is one built solely on trust; trust that the right, best intervention is given to the patient. Perhaps most importantly, professionals must have an ideology that assigns a higher priority to doing useful and needed work than to economic rewards, an ideology that focuses more on the quality and social benefits of work than its profitability. This ideology is one that should be preserved for the sake of the profession. The younger generation of health care providers should also be considered so nobody should go into this profession with the aim of amassing wealth, so that the altruistic nature of the profession, which stands as one of its core values, will be preserved. Healthcare is a right and not a privilege and it goes without saying that every society is morally obliged to provide healthcare to its members. An increase in for-profit health care provision however, will only exacerbate the growing problem of accessibility to healthcare.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Civil Engineering Essay -- essays research papers
CIVIL ENGINEERING Â Â Â Â Â Civil engineering is the oldest of the main branches of engineering. Civil engineers use their knowledge to supervise and plan construction projects such as roads, airports, bridges, canals, tunnels, and wastewater systems. They also collaborate with architects to design and construct various types of buildings. Some other civil engineering endeavors include highways, airports, pipelines, railroads, levees, and irrigation and sewage systems. Civil engineers try to design their structures to be functional, efficient and durable. Most of the projects civil engineers are involved with have an impact on the environment. They use their knowledge of the environment to create structures that are not harmful. These structures must also meet building codes and other regulations. Â Â Â Â Â Civil engineers are usually contracted for their work and must have their designs approved by city and state officials. They will create a proposal for the job that includes estimation of costs, illustrations of designs, and specifications of the building. Â Â Â Â Â To enter the field of civil engineering one must first earn a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. To obtain a position as a researcher or as a faculty member, one must earn a graduate degree. Many companies recruit engineers right out of college and post ads in magazines, journals, and newspapers as well as on the internet. Â Â Â &n...
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Therapies for Leukemia Patients Essay -- Leukemia
Executive Summary Two promising therapies for leukemia patients are bone marrow transplantation and peripheral stem cell transplantation. Successful transplants require that two immunologic barriers be overcome: a host-versus-graft (HVG) reaction and a graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction. A myeloablative conditioning regimen, which involves a depletion of the patient’s immune system, usually precedes the transplantation of donor stem cells to control the HVG. However, twentyfive to 35% of patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation experience life-threatening transplant-related complications (Holler 1990). Serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-_ levels are elevated prior to these complications and are indicative of future problems, such as rejection, graft-versus-host disease, interstitial pneumonitis, endothelial leakage syndrome, and venoocclusive disease (Remberger 1994). As a result, many patients who are at high risk for these complications, including patients over 55 years old, patients with poor overall health, and children, are turned down for stem cell transplantation. In the mid-1990’s, a regimen was developed that uses non-myeloablative conditioning. In this procedure, the immune system of the recipient is not totally depleted, which creates a tolerable regimen for those high risk patients. This project will compare the relative toxicity of myeloablative allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) and non-myeloablative PBSCT. This will involve collecting patient serum samples at various time intervals during treatment. The samples will be evaluated for TNF-a concentrations using the ELISA technique. The data will then be used to determine the toxicity of each regimen. This study will p... response. MacKay I, Rosen F: The Immune System. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 2000; 343: 108-117. This is the second part of the review article on immunology. It describes lymphocytes and lymphoid tissue, molecular aspects of the immune response, the activation and regulation of lymphocytes, immune protection by antibodies and immunologic technology. Tanaka J, Imamura M, Kasai M, et al: The important balance between cytokines derived from type 1 and type 2 helper T cells in the control of graft-versus-host disease. BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION 1997; 19: 571-576. This article assesses the cytokine network after transplantation, and its connection to graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). It looks at the balance between type 1 (Th1) and type 2 (Th2) helper T cells, and concludes that severe GVHD may be related to a cytokine imbalance between the helper cells.
Friday, October 11, 2019
An Analysis and Study of Information Systems with Their Related Terms and Concepts
â€Å"An analysis and study of Information systems with their related terms and concepts†Deepak Sharma Research Scholar ,Mewar university Rajasthan Mob. 9639916009 E-mail: [email protected] com Abhishek Singh Bhatanagar Student MCA, Subharti University Meerut Mob. 9897008522 E-mail: [email protected] com Abstract: This paper is written as a weapon to know about information systems in depth. As tomorrow's managers, entrepreneurs, or business specialists, business students need to know how to use and manage information technology in today's networked enterprises and global markets.In this dynamic environment, they will rely on interconnected networks of information systems for end user collaboration, including communications and computing among end user work groups and teams, and enterprise wide computing, including communications and information processing for business operations, managerial decision making, and strategic advantage. So this paper is a great assets in kno wing about information system in brief. Keywords: information, system ,management ,DSS ,TPS etc. 1. Introduction:An Information System is any combination of information technology and people's activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision-making. In a very broad sense, the term information system is frequently used to refer to the interaction between people, algorithmic processes, data and technology. The focus of Info Systems is on the development of solutions for business problems rather than simply describing them. 1. 1 Functions (benefits) of information Systems: 1. It helps in increasing employee productivity. . It Help users to become information’s competent, that means find it easy to organise their information, search for information, analyze their information and using old information to create new information. 3. For providing better support to managers for effective decision making. 4. Information systems strongly focus on explain ing empirical phenomena of the real world. [pic] †¢ 1. 2 Categories of Information system: 1. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) 2. Decision Support Systems (DSS) 3. Expert Information Systems (EIS) . Management Information Systems (MIS 5. Office Automation Systems (OAS) 1. 2. 1 Transaction Processing System: It processes business transaction of the organization. A Transaction Processing System or Transaction Processing Monitor is a set of information which process the data transaction in database system that monitors transaction programs Transaction can be any activity of the organization. Transactions differ from organization to organization. For example, take a railway reservation system .Transaction processing systems provide speed and accuracy, and can be programmed to follow routines functions of the organization 1. 2. 2Decision Support Systems (DSS): Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a specific class of computerized information system that supports business and organi zational decision-making activities. A properly designed DSS is an interactive software-based system intended to help decision makers compile useful information from raw data, documents, personal knowledge, and/or business models to identify and solve problems and make decisions.Typical information that a decision support application might gather and present would be: †¢ Accessing all of your current information assets, including legacy and relational data sources, cubes, data warehouses, and data marts †¢ Comparative sales figures between one week and the next †¢ Projected revenue figures based on new product sales assumptions †¢ The consequences of different decision alternatives, given past experience in a context that is described 1. 23 Expert information systemAn expert information system with which a decision maker in the construction, or a related industry, can generate a decision record and related control instructions in a facile manner without significa nt omissions while ensuring that substantially all of the options available for making the decisions have been considered. The expert system includes a microcomputer which executes a system control program to select information units from the expertise of a data base and to concentrate individual information units until an entire decision record has been generated.The process is enhanced by a multiwindowed display which displays possible selections from the expert data base while contrasting that data with data in another window having a list of data indicating the decisions or selections already made. A display pointer with a controllable position is employed to select lines and phrases of the expert information from that portion of the data base displayed in the selection window. The selection of such information causes the line or phrase from the data base, an information unit, to be transferred to the decision record and to the display of the selected decisions window. . 2. 4 Ma nagement information system (MIS) It is the organized approach to the study of information needs of a management at every level in making operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. Its objective is to design and implement man-machine procedures, processes, and routines that provide suitably detailed reports in an accurate, consistent, and timely manner. Modern, computerized systems continuously gather relevant data, both from inside and outside the organization.This data is then processed, integrated, and stored in a centralized database (or data warehouse) where it is constantly updated and made available to all who have the authority to access it, in a form that suits their purpose. 1. 2. 5 Office automation system Office automation systems (OAS) are configurations of networked computer hardware and software. A variety of office automation systems are now applied to business and communication functions that used to be performed manually or in multiple locations of a company, such as preparing written communications and strategic planning.In addition, functions that once required coordinating the expertise of outside specialists in typesetting, printing, or electronic recording can now be integrated into the everyday work of an organization, saving both time and money. 2. Information systems for Business operations: Business operations are those ongoing recurring activities involved in the running of a business for the purpose of producing value for the stakeholders. They are contrasted with project management, and consist of processes.The outcome of business operations is the harvesting of value from assets of a business. Assets can be physical or intangible. An example of value derived from a physical asset like a building is rent. An example of value derived from an intangible asset like an idea is a royalty. The effort involved in â€Å"harvesting†this value is what constitutes business operations. Information technology plays a major role in reengineering business processes.The speed, information processing power, and ease-of-use of modern computer hardware, software, and networks can dramatically increase the efficiency of business processes, and communications and collaboration among the people responsible for their operation and management. IT is a strategic requirement for agile product development and delivery. Information systems provide the information people need to support agile operations, as well as the information built into products and services 2. 1 Information system for strategic advantage:Information systems can be used to implement a variety of competitive strategies. These include the five basic competitive strategies (differentiation, cost, innovation, growth, alliance), as well as other ways that companies can use information systems strategically to gain a competitive edge. For example: 1. Lower Costs 2. Differentiate 3. Innovate 4. Promote Growth 5. Develop Alliances 6. Improve quality and effici ency Conclusion: So finally we can conclude that information system is a greatest tool by which our organization can take more and more liberties in future to achieve their goals.It increases the accuracy and reliability of information that is much needed by today’s organizations. References: 1. â€Å"Definition of Application Landscape†. Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis). Jan 21, 2009. Retrieved January 14, 2011. 2. O'Brien, J A. (2003). Introduction to information systems: essentials for the e-business enterprise. McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA 3. Alter, S. The Work System Method: Connecting People, Processes, and IT for Business Results. Works System Press, CA 4. www. google. com 5. www. sciencedaily. com 6. www. wikipedia. com [pic][pic][pic]
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Portfolio Management Quize1
Quize 11. High Color Detergent is issuing new shares of stock which will trade on NASDAQ. If Sue purchases 300 of these shares, the trade will occur in which one of the following markets? Primary 2. Wilson just placed an order with his broker to purchase 500 of the outstanding shares of GE. This purchase will occur in which one of the following markets? Secondary 3. Hi-Tek Shoes is a private firm that has decided to issue shares of stock to the general public. This stock issue will be referred to as a(n): initial public offering 4. A firm that specializes in arranging financing for companies is called a(n): investment banking firm 5. The process of purchasing newly issued shares from the issuer and reselling those shares to the general public is called: underwriting 6. A public offering of securities which are offered first to current shareholders is called a(n): rights offer. 7. When a group of underwriters jointly work together to sell a new issue of securities, the underwriters form a(n): syndicate. 8. Which one of the following is the federal agency which regulates the financial markets in the U. S.? Securities and Exchange Commission 9.The document that must be prepared in order to receive approval for a stock offering is called a: prospectus. 10. Which one of the following transactions occurs in the primary market? sale of newly issued shares by the issuer to a shareholder 11. Debt securities promise __.I. a fixed stream of incomeII. a stream of income that is determined according to a specific formulaIII. a share in the profits of the issuing entity I or II only12. A fixed-income security is defined as a long-term debt obligation that pays scheduled fixed payments 13. Which one of the following is classified as a fixed-income security? -year U. S. Treasury security 14. Riverside Metals recently issued some debt that had an original maturity of nine months. This debt is best classified as a(n): money market instrument. Treasury bills are financial instruments issued by __to raise funds. the Federal Government 15. Money market securities are sometimes referred to as â€Å"cash equivalent†because they are safe and marketable. 16. Money Market securities are characterized by _. I. maturity less than one yearII. safety of the principal investmentIII. low rates of return I, II and III 17. Which of the following is not a money market security?Common stock18. Preferred stock is not a money market instrument.18. Money market instruments issued by a corporation are less liquid than those issued by the government.19. Which one of the following represents a residual ownership interest in the issuer? common stock20. An agreement that grants the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific asset at a specified price during a specified time period is called a(n) option contract.21. The value of a derivative security depends on the value of other related security.22. option contract is a derivative asset.23. An example of a derivative security is a call option on Intel stock23. A futures contract is an agreement: to exchange goods on a specified date in the future at a price that is agreed upon today.24. Great Lakes Farm agreed this morning to sell General Mills 25,000 bushels of wheat six months from now at a price per bushel of $9. 75. This is an exa mple of a:future contract.25. Uptown Jewelers purchased a futures contract on 200 ounces of gold to be exchanged 3-months from now. As the contract holder, Uptown Jewelers: will profit if the price of gold is higher three months from now.26. Which one of the following is the federal agency which regulates the financial markets in the U. S.? Securities and Exchange Commission27. A securities dealer is a(n): trader who buys and sells from his or her inventory.28. The SIPC: protects investors from missing assets when a brokerage firm closes.29. To be considered liquid, a security must be able to be sold quickly with little, if any, price concession.30. Which one of the following best describes a broker? intermediary who arranges trades between a buyer and a seller.31 The NASDAQ is the most important dealer market in the U. S. nd the NYSE is the most important auction market.32. The total dollar return on a share of stock is defined as the: capital gain or loss plus any dividend income3 3. One year ago, you purchased 400 shares of Southern Cotton at $38. 40 a share. During the past year, you received a total of $480 in dividends. Today, you sold your shares for $41. 10 a share. What is your total return on this investment? [$41. 10 – $38. 40 + ($480/400)]/$38. 40 = 10. 16 percent34. Todd purchased 600 shares of stock at a price of $68. 20 a share and received a dividend of $1. 42 per share. After six months, he resold the stock for $71. 0 a share. What was his total dollar return? 600 ? ($71. 30 – $68. 20 + $1. 42) = $2,712 ;35. Which one of the following is generally true concerning securities held in street name? The brokerage firm is the owner of record.36. The bid price is the price at which a dealer is willing to purchase a security.37. The ask price is the price at which a dealer is willing to sell a security.38. The difference between the price at which a dealer is willing to buy, and the price at which a dealer is willing to sell, is called th e bid-ask spread.39. You want to sell shares of stock at the current price.Which type of order should you place? Market40. You purchased XYZ stock at $50 per share. The stock is currently selling at $65. Your gains could be protected by placing a stop-loss order41. An order to sell that involves a preset trigger point is called a stop order.42. If an investor places a stop-loss order the stock will be sold if its price falls to the stipulated level. If an investor places a stop-buy order the stock will be bought if its price rises above the stipulated level.43. An order to buy shares of stock at a stated price or less is called a limit order.44. This morning, Josh sold 800 shares of stock that he did not own. This sale is referred to as a: short sale45. Which one of the following describes a short position? Selling a security that you do not own46. An investor with a long position in a security will make money: if the price of the security increases47. You short-sell 200 shares of T uckerton Trading Co. , now selling for $50 per share. What is your maximum possible loss? Unlimited48. You short-sell 200 shares of Tuckerton Trading Co. , now selling for $50 per share. What is your maximum possible gain ignoring transactions cost?Maximum gain=proceeds-minimum possible replacement cost=200($50)-200($0)=$10,000;49. The minimum equity that must be maintained at all times in a margin account is called the: maintenance margin50. Staci just used $6,000 of cash plus a $3,000 margin loan to purchase $9,000 worth of stock. This is the only transaction in her brokerage account. According to her account balance sheet, she now has account equity of: $6,000;51. Anita wants to buy $10,000 of securities in her margin account. Her advisor has informed her that she must pay a minimum of $7,000 in cash and maintain a minimum equity position of 30 percent.The initial margin requirement is 70 percent and the maintenance margin is 30 percent.52. What is the purpose of a margin call? t o demand funds to increase your margin position53. Sun Lee purchased 1,100 shares of Franklin Metals stock for $16. 80 a share. The stock was purchased with an initial margin of 65 percent. The maintenance margin is 30 percent. The stock is currently selling for $17. 60 a share. What is the minimum dollar amount of equity that he must have in this stock today to avoid a margin call? Minimum equity = 1,100 ? $17. 60 ? .30 = $5,808;54. You recently purchased 100 shares of stock at a cost per share of $23. 0. The initial margin requirement on this stock is 80 percent and the maintenance margin is 50 percent. The stock is currently valued at $17. 90 a share. What is your current margin position? Ignore margin interest. Margin loan = 100 ? $23. 80 ? (1 – . 80) = $476 Current stock value = 100 ? $17. 90 = $1,790Current equity = $1,790 – $476 = $1,314 Current margin = $1,314/$1,790 = 73. 41 percent;55. Ted is an engineer for True Tech and has just discovered a revolutionary m ethod for strengthening metals. He knows this knowledge will add value to True Tech's stock. Ted happens to mention this discovery and its value to his neighbor, Fred.Fred can be charged with insider trading if he: provides this information to a friend who will trade the stock and split the profits with him.56. Which one of the following had the highest average return for the period 1926 – 2009? small-company stocks57. You've borrowed $14,000 on margin to buy shares in Disney, which is now selling at $40 per share. Your account starts at the initial margin requirement of 50%. The maintenance margin is 46%. Two days later, the stock price falls to $38 per share Will you receive a margin call? NO How low can the price of Disney shares fall before you receive a margin call? (700P-$14000)/700P=0. 6 when P=$37. 04or lower ,58. Which one of the following is the federal agency which regulates the financial markets in the U. S.? Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)59. Over the lo ng term, which one of the following has historically had the LOWEST average annual rate of return? Long Term Government Bonds60. Which one of the following is the best definition of a money market instrument? debt issued by the government or a corporation that matures in one year or less61. Preferred stock is not a money market instrument62. Money market securities are sometimes referred to as â€Å"cash equivalent†because they are safe and marketable63. A fixed-income security is defined as: a long-term debt obligation that pays scheduled fixed payments.64. Liquidity RISK is defined as: Not being able to sell an investment conveniently and at a reasonable price. 6565. A financial asset that represents a claim on another financial asset is classified as a derivative asset.66. Uptown Jewelers purchased a futures contract on 200 ounces of gold to be exchanged 3-months from now. As the contract holder, Uptown Jewelerswill profit if the price of gold is higher three months from now.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
English Tort Law Essay
Answer: This question raises some issues from negligence. In order to answer this question it is necessary to know about negligence, duty of care, and breach of duty, causation and remoteness. But here the most important parts are employers’ liability, multiple liability or causation, and personal injury. Here the main findings will be Betty Bloke is an employee of these companies or not, she can sue for asbestos-related mesothelioma as a third person. Here the facts are Harry Bloke worked as a carpenter for thirty-five years, being employed by Right Ltd for ten years, then by Ruff Ltd for a further ten years and then by Shoddy plc for fifteen years. Right Ltd were shop fitters, Ruff Ltd produced asbestos prefabricated garages and Shoddy plc produced insulating panels for the building industry. In all of these jobs he was required to work with asbestos sheeting, which he usually had to cut to size either with hand saws or powered saws. Betty Bloke, Harry’s wife, always washed his work overalls every Saturday. She would shake them outside the back door to remove the dust before she put them in the washing machine. Betty has now been diagnosed with asbestos-related mesothelioma and is very ill. All three companies deny liability for her illness. Before attempt to discuss the potential liability of all three companies to Betty in negligence it is necessary to find the relationship between Betty and all three companies. Here it is not clear that Betty was an employee of these companies or not, though every Saturday remove the dust. In 1934 Lord Wright said in Lochgelly Iron and Coal Co v McMullan [1934], ‘In strict legal analysis, negligence means more than heedless or careless conduct, whether in omission or commission: it properly connotes the complex concept of duty, breach and damage thereby suffered by the person to whom the duty was owing.’ In Murphy v Brentwood District Council [1990], the House of Lords held that the council was not liable on the basis that the council could not owe a greater duty of care to the claimant than the builder. In doing so the court also overruled Anns and the two-part test, preferring instead a new three-part test suggested by Lords Keith, Oliver and Bridge in Caparo v Dickman [1990]. In order to impose liability on the employers, Betty has to established foresight, proximity and fairness and it is the current test. In Caparo industries v Dickman [1990], the shareholders in a company bought more shares and then made a successful takeover bid for the company after studying the audited accounts prepared by the defendants. They later regretted the move and sued the auditors claiming that they had relied on accounts, which had shown a sizeable surplus rather than the deficit that was in fact the case. The House of Lords held that the auditors owed no duty of care since company accounts are not prepared for the purposes of people taking over a company and cannot then be relied on by them for such purposes. Harry was an employee but the asbestos did not affect him. His wife suffered mesothelioma, so the current test has to show three things if there is to be a duty of care: 1) It was reasonably foreseeable that a person in the claimant’s position would be injured. Here for Betty Bloke, the risk was reasonably foreseeable as an employee but as a third party it is difficult to show. 2) There was sufficient proximity between the parties. Employers owed some duties to employees. 3) It is fair, just and reasonable to impose liability. After the Caparo test Betty may be satisfy three criteria. Then it will be a vital question that Employers breach any duty or not. The second problem is who has right to sue. Harry was an employee but he is not suffered any disease though it was obvious. If Harry sues on behalf of Betty then it will justify imposing liability to the employers. Here it will be discussed considering the relevant case laws. Bolton v. Stone test may be applicable to prove breach of duty. According to this test employers are not liable. As a general rule English law does not impose a duty, reasoning that the fault of X and not that of D. But exceptionally a duty may arise. Employers are vicariously liable for the negligent acts or omissions. Employers are also liable under the common law principle represented in the Latin phrase, â€Å"qui facit per alium facit per se†. So according to Home Office v Dorset Yacht [1970], and Lewis case it will be consider here. In Hotson v East Berkshire AHA [1987], a young boy suffered a fractured hip when he fell out of a tree. The hospital negligently failed to make a correct early diagnosis so that he later developed avuncular necrosis, a deformity of the even without the failure to diagnosis promptly. On this basis the trial judge, and later the Court of Appeal, awarded him 25 per cent of the damages they would consider appropriate for the loss of a chance of recovery. The trial judge commented that the hospital had translated the probability of the disability developing into a certainty by negligence in their failure to diagnosis. However, the House of Lords allowed the Health Authority’s appeal and would not consider the slim chance of recovery an issue of causation. In Blythe v Birmingham Waterworks [1856], the basic Rule is that the defendant must conform to the standard of care expected of a reasonable person. ‘Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man guided upon those considerations which ordinary regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or doing something which a reasonable and prudent man would not do. Betty could get compensation by applying McGhee. In McGhee v National Coal Board [1973], here the claimant worked in a brick kiln where he was exposed to brick dust, a possible cause of the dermatitis that he in fact contracted. The Board was not liable for exposure during working hours. They were held liable for materially increasing the risk of the claimant contracting the disease because of their failure to provide washing facilities, even though it could not be shown that he could have avoided the disease if there had been facilities the reasoning of the court was that, since the employer was clearly negligent in failing to provide basic health and safety the burden should shift on to them to disproved the causal link. This type of test is clearly more advantageous to a claimant than the basic ‘but for’ test applied so rigidly in Hotson v East Berkshire AHA [1987]. To identify the employer’s liability suffered mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos dust of Betty Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and others is the most significant test. In the case of Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and others [2001], the claimants suffered mesothelioma after exposure to asbestos dust over many years working for a number of different employees. The medical evidence identified hat the inhaling of asbestos fibres was the cause of the disease. Nevertheless, it was impossible to identify in which particular employment the disease was actually contracted. The Court of Appeal accepted that medical evidence could not identify a single cause of the disease, which might be caused by contact with even single asbestos fibre, or may involve cumulative exposure to fibres. The Court of Appeal in fact rejected the claims. The HLs, accepted the expert evidence that it is scientifically uncertain whether inhaling a single fibre or inhalation of many fibres causes the disease. However, the HLs held that, because it is evident that the greater the exposure has a duty to take reasonable care to prevent employees from inhaling the dust. Besides this the House felt that any other cause of developing the diseases could be ignored in the case. On the basis that the claimants suffered the very injuries that the defendants supposed to guard against, the HLs were prepare to impose liability on all employers. The House chose to apply the ‘material risk’ test from McGhee. In doing so the house held that because all of the defendants had contributed to a risk of mesothelioma, then no distinction should be drown between the makings of a material risk of causing the disease and course of action that would materially increase the risk of the diseases. Because the Employers should only be liable for proportion of the damages then each employer should be liable to compensate its employee un full, even though the employee may have inhaled more asbestos fibres while working for another employee. As a result the Court held that the precise employer responsible could not be identified and so the claim should be rejected. It is impossible to say with certainty how the disease begins, but it is possible to identify that prolonged exposure worsens the risk. It seems then that The Court of Appeal applied Wilsher v Essex AHA [1986] inappropriately where McGhee v National Coal Board might have been more fairly applied in the circumstance. The House of Lords has in any case subsequently reversed The Court of Appeal decision. In Holtby v Brigham & Cowan (Hull) Ltd [2003], here the claimant had been exposed to asbestos dust for more then 40 years while working for different employers. When he contracted asbestosis he sued the defendants, for whom he had only worked for half of that time. The trial judge reduced damages by 25 per cent. The claimant appealed and tried to argue for application of the principle in McGhee, that once having established a material contribution by the defendants he was entitled to full damages. The Court of Appeal rejected his argument and upheld the trial judge’s award, even though 50 per cent deduction would have seemed more accurate. McGhee was distinguished. A majority of the House of Lords in Gregg v Scott [2005], reaffirmed the general approaches in Hotson’s case should be followed and declined to depart radically from its principles. In Wilsher v Essex AHA [1986] the House of Lords identified that the excess oxygen was just one of six possible causes of the condition and therefore it could not be said to fall squarely within the risk created by the defendants. The court would not impose liability on the defendant in this circumstance although this seems very unfair. The main purpose of the rules of causation is to exclude those thinks that are not the cause of the damage. If the same damage would have been suffered even if the there had been no breach of duty of care, then he claimant loses. The breach of duty of duty may initiate a whole chain of further events-but some of these will be treated as to ‘remote’ from the original negligence for it to be appropriate to hold the defendant answerable for those distant outcomes. The test of remoteness of damage in the tort of negligence was said to be whether the damage the direct consequence of the breach of duty. The defendant was not liable, if it was merely indirect, which ‘broke the chain of causation’. This test was particularly associated with the decision of the Court of Appeal in Re Polemis [1921]. In The Wagon Mound [1961], The Privy Council held that defendant would be liable only if it was the foreseeable consequence. From the above discussion, a number of points can be made, which will be consider that Betty get compensation or not. †¢ The judges in the House of Lords in Fairchild accepted that the sufferers of mesothelioma, while inevitably deserving of compensation, are unable to satisfy the normal tests for causation because they will invariably be unable to point to a single party who is responsible. †¢ The Court was prepared to accept the possibility of a claim for three connected reasons: Claimants in such actions were unable to satisfy for causation only because of the current state of medical knowledge on the disease, although there could be no doubt that exposure to the asbestos fibres in whatever volume was at the root of the disease. Defendant has to prove that their negligence could not be the actual cause rather then the claimants prove the precise cause. The employer’s duty of care would be meaningless, as they could almost never be made liable. †¢ The majority of the judges were therefore prepared to accept an exceptional principle of McGhee. †¢ The Court was not prepared to extend principle of McGhee to factual circumstance such as those in Wilsher. †¢ The House of Lords appear to have engaged in a policy decision in order to ensure that there is compensation for asbestos related diseases contracted in the course of employment. So there is a limited chance to get compensation according to applying Fairchild and McGhee. Then three employers will be liable and bear compensation fully. But if Court apply Hotson v East Berkshire AHA Betty or Harry does not get compensation. Bibliography: 1) Markesinis and Deakin, Tort Law, 5th Edition (2003), Clarendon Press-Oxford 2) John Murphy, Street on Torts, 11th Edition (2003), LexisNexistm UK, 3) Chris Turner Unlocking Torts, 1st Edition (2004), Hodder & Stoughton 4) I. M Yeats & P. Giliker, Law of Tort, (2006), University of London
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