Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on The Impact of Latin American Immigration on America
Immigration is the process of entry of individuals into a new country (23). Throughout past centuries, immigration has been a means of discovery and exploration of new lands. In today’s culture, immigration to the United States is an avenue for individuals who wish to start new lives and take advantage of the capitalistic, entrepreneurial system. People from many countries have migrated into the United States. Most recently, the migrants have come from Central and South American countries. These Latin American countries influence America’s society culturally and economically through their language, traditions, and workforce. From the 1990s to the present time, immigration from Latin American countries has more than†¦show more content†¦If they reached the land before they were caught by the authorities, they were granted political refugee status (9). This, as well as other circumstances helped cause the number of foreign-born migrants to increase eighty-one p ercent in the 1990s-2000s (3). More than half of the Hispanic population resides in the following states: California, Texas, and Florida, with California having the highest number of immigrants (2). One main component of California’s high number of Hispanic immigrants is due to the entrance of migrants illegally. The National Research Council claimed that in the 1990s, â€Å"more than 200,000 immigrants came into the United States illegally†(7). With eighty percent of Latin Americans becoming naturalized US citizens and nineteen percent not becoming US citizens before the 1970s, the numbers were reversed after the 1970s and the latter became predominant (12). Legal immigration as well as illegal immigration of Hispanics were both non-prevalent in early American history; nevertheless, with the progression of years and opportunities, many Latin Americans came to America seeking jobs and a better life for their family. Now that one has examined the circumstances of Latin American immigration, one can now evaluate the impact on the economy and culture, which in part is related to people’s approval or disapproval of Latin American immigration. One of the foremost benefits of immigration is that it lowers the cost ofShow MoreRelatedAnd Amerindian Stock885 Words  | 4 Pagesstock†(Gutierrez 47). According to Ruben Rumbaut 2009 publication, Pigments of Our Imagination: The Racialization of the Hispanic-Latino Category, â€Å"Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Salvadorans, Colombians, and the many other nationalities from Latin America and even Spain itself - were not ‘Hispanics’ or ‘Latinos’ in their countries of origin†stressing not only the wide range of country of origin, but also the racial conceptions that those immigrants from those countries may have (2). The originRead MoreThe Latino Journey in the United States: Immigrants Essay1693 Words  | 7 Pagesan important part of what it means to be American and what it means to be a citizen in the United States today. Moving into the future, in order to analyze the trajectory that this group is in, we must first understand the group’s history in the United States and in territories that would become the United States. In addition, we must look at the origins of the most recent wave of Latino immigration in order to understand their current effect on American society and the intersection between bothRead MoreThe United States Of America1448 Words  | 6 PagesCountries like the United States of America or Canada is for many individuals the synonym of prosperity, opportunities and better quality of life, based on the economic power and lifestyle that is perceived by the general population. This situation has generated that people from third world countries such as Latin Ameri can countries immigrate to achieved the â€Å"American Dream†, this means having the possibility of a better life for them and their families. Although, the majority of the immigrants chooseRead MoreImmigration Of Latin Americans : Immigration Essay1364 Words  | 6 Pages Immigration of Latin Americans Immigration involves the movement of a group of people from one country to another where they do not possess citizenship. There are many reasons in which people may leave their country such as employment, lack of resources, family, fear due to violence, exile, the American dream. In 1965, Congress changed immigration law in ways that allowed much more intake from Asia and Latin America than earlier. Before 1965, the intake was mostly from Europe. Since then, overRead MoreThe United States And Latin American Relations1377 Words  | 6 PagesStates has been a heavily involved in Latin American affairs for a long time, and there is great controversy surrounding how good of a neighbor we have been. As the â€Å"Colossus of the North†, this country holds enormous power. The question is; have we used our power for good or for evil? At times, we have been generous to Latin American countries. We returned the Panama Canal to the Panamanians and created free trade with Mexico thro ugh NAFTA. However, the negative impact we have had outweighs the good.Read MoreThe Voting Rights Act Of 19651288 Words  | 6 Pagescommunity. During this year, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 helped enforce the 15th Amendment and prohibited racial discrimination in voting. The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 abolished quotas based on nationality and allowed Americans to sponsor relatives from their countries of origin. The Voting Rights Act and the Immigration and Naturalization Amendments of 1965 did not only reduce previous state-sponsoredRead MoreThe Influx Of Immigrants During The United States Essay1554 Words  | 7 Pagesthere have always been immigration waves shaping the respective time period. For example, the 1880s were characterized by an increase of eastern and southern Europeans, while post-1965 has seen an increased presence of immigrants primarily from Latin Americ a and Asia (Barone 12). Each wave of immigrants adds to the diversity of the U.S. population by bringing their own languages, religions, customs, culture, etc. Despite the open-door policy that once prevailed in America, each of these groups facesRead More The Problems of Illegal Immigration Essay example1548 Words  | 7 PagesMost Americans in the United States may not truthfully admit that there is discrimination in America when it comes to immigration. The type of immigration that I am referring to is that of illegal immigration into the United States from the southern borders. The people coming here illegally or those that have overstayed passed their stipulated time issued by their visas are the ones who are facing this problem head on. They are coming originally from different countries, such as Mexico, El SalvadorRead More Immigration into the US Essay977 Words  | 4 Pagesimmigrants and immigration policies have confronted the nation throughout history. T his is due mostly because the nation promotes freedom and democracy. There are also unlimited economic opportunities to improve the material circumstances of peoples’ lives. While foreigners are coming into this country, the political view and public surroundings are changing drastically looking harmful for American culture and society. David Cole a law professor views immigration as a positive affect on America. ImmigrantsRead MoreLeaving Home For A Better Way Of Life1043 Words  | 5 Pages Leaving home for a better way of life! (The reason why Latin Americans immigrated to the United States) Michelle Tyler April 27, 2016 Geography 105 â€Å"We need immigration reform that will secure our borders, and†¦ that finally brings the 12 million people who are here illegally out of the shadows... We must assert our values and reconcile our principles as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws.†Barack
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Use of Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown Essay - 742 Words
â€Å"The Use of Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown†â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1835, is a short story about a man named young Goodman Brown who leaves his wife, Faith, to go on an errand into the woods with the devil. Faith begs Goodman Brown to not leave her alone, but he chooses to go anyways. This short story shows many signs of symbolism, such as the forest, the devil, the staff, the pink ribbons, Faith, sin, and guilt. These symbols help in understanding the story of young Goodman Brown and his unconscious struggle with his religion. The trip not only takes Brown onto a journey of sadness, but also into the deepest parts of his soul. Goodman Brown wishes to enter the dark forest of sin, to satisfy his†¦show more content†¦Young Goodman Brown then finds himself alone in the forest, wondering whether he has awakened from a dream or if he really did attend the witches’ sabbath. Brown chooses to believe that his dream is true, and that everyone around him is involved in witchc raft. â€Å"The next morning, young Goodman Brown came slowly into the street of Salem village staring around him like a bewildered man.†(Paragraph 70) Because of this, Brown spends the remainder of his life being, A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man†(Paragraph 75). Goodman Brown now looks for the devil behind every bush and in the hearts of all those around him, never recognizing that his own soul is now hopelessly corrupt and blind to the light and goodness of God. The forest, the devil and his staff, and Faith and her pink ribbons are the main points to prove young Goodman Brown of a story full of symbolism. There is no doubt that the traveler meeting Brown is the devil and the devils staff is clearly the symbol of a serpent. Faith is both Brown’s wife and religion. The pink ribbons discussed are symbolized as innocence because his faith in God is the right thing to do. Unlike following the devil, which led Brown to sin and guilt. â€Å"Ha! ha! ha!†roared Goodman Brown, when the wind laughed at him. â€Å"Let us hear which will laugh loudest! Think not to frighten meShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown 946 Words  | 4 Pages In Hawthorne’s ‘Young Goodman Brown’ the main character, Goodman Brown leaves his wife alone for a night to go to a secret meeting in the forest. As it turns out the religious Goodman Brown is actually sneaking off to meet with the Devil. While in the forest with the devil he sees many influential people from town there as well, including his wife. They seem to be about to be taken into the cult when Goodman Brown looks at his wife and begs her to remain with her Faith. Next thing he knows heRead MoreCompare and Contrast Essay1047 Words  | 5 PagesCompare and Contrast â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†and â€Å"The Lottery†By: Melissa A. Reeves Professor Andrew Smith ENGL 102-B46 LUO Thesis Statement The stories â€Å"The Lottery†and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†both appear to show that human behavior and judgment can be flawed, even if the person’s intentions appear good to them. There is a level of fear and underlying evil in Puritan settings in both stories. I. Introduction/Statement of Thesis II. Themes and Author’s Purpose A. The Lottery Read MoreThe Use of Color Symbolism by Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay1024 Words  | 5 PagesIs it possible for an author to utilize so much symbolism that it captivates the reader to the extent of paralleling the tale with their own life? The principle of symbolism is quite evident in the story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†. Nathaniel Hawthorn’s work is immersed with symbolism with most of it deriving from his Puritan beliefs. The themes of sin, guilt, innocence, and lust come forth through the uses of color symbolism as well as visual clues. All of these things areRead MoreAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Great Gatsby 1416 Words  | 6 PagesEdgar Allan Poe, born in the year 1809, in Boston, Massachusetts, was also a writer in Dark Romanticism. An orphan at a young age, Poe was going through a tough childhood. He took in gambling in his college years, and enlisted in the army. Struggling through poverty, he managed to win a contest with his short story, and he started devoting his life to writing. He married his young cousin, Virginia, who was 13 years old in the year 1836. Dark Romanticism is a genre branched off of Romanticism, whereasRead MoreYoung Goodman Brown Essay931 Words  | 4 PagesYoung Goodman Brown: Good versus Evil Throughout Young Goodman Brown and other works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, the themes of sin and guilt constantly reoccur. Like many authors, Hawthorne used events in his life as a basis for the stories that he wrote. Hawthorne felt that ones guilt does not die with him/her but is rather passed down through the generations. Hawthornes great-great uncle was one of the judges during the Salem witchcraft trials. Hawthorne felt a great sense of guilt because ofRead MoreA And P Symbolism Essay877 Words  | 4 Pages Symbolism is the use of symbols that help represent ideas or qualities. In literature, authors use symbolism to illustrate a specific mood or emotion through the use of objects or characters. Symbolism helps engage the readers to predict and analyze certain meanings presented in the story instead of just reading it. The two short stories, â€Å"A and P†written by John Updike and â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†written by Nathaniel Hawthorne both showcase and conv ey symbolism throughout their writing. Read MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown1065 Words  | 5 PagesWhen it comes to the topic of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown, most of us will readily agree that duplicity is a major theme in the piece, or the idea of different versions of reality. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether Hawthorne is implying that man is inherently evil. Whereas some are convinced that Young Goodman Brown was good until tainted by the Devil, others maintain that he was evil from the beginning and was completely aware of the evil heRead MoreSymbolism Is The Use Of Symbols To Signify Important Meaning1305 Words  | 6 PagesSymbolism is the use of symbols to signify important meaning to things. These symbols could be basically anything in which a meaning is more than just the literal context. Hawthorne has several uses of symbolisms in his stories. Symbolism was very popular literary device during the Romantic period, where the objec t embodied some sort of idea. â€Å"The symbolism of his works focused on isolation and guilt of the individual, the uncertainties of good and evil, and the continual hold of the past on theRead MoreSymbolism Of Ernest Hemingway s Young Goodman Brown989 Words  | 4 PagesHemingway uses various images and objects that project emotions and feelings that are not explained in words. They are left for the reader to infere for themselves. By looking at the symbolism of the title, the scenery, and drinks, we are able to analyze the truth in the couple’s relationship. Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†, is a suspenseful story in which we see various forms of symbolism. This story presents us with the protaganist, a young and innocent man named Goodman Brown, whichRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1422 Words  | 6 Pageswas born on July 4, 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. He was most famous for his writings The Scarlet Letter, â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,†â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil†and an abundant array of other books and short stories. The stories that are mentioned contain a copious amount of symbolism throughout the entirety of each book. All the stories that he ever wrote have an underlying meaning and the symbolism was hidden within in the names, characters, places, and actions that happened in the books and helped the
Monday, May 11, 2020
Spartan Political and Social System Essay - 1390 Words
Spartan Political and Social Systems Sparta was, above all, a military state, and emphasis on military fitness began at birth, imprinted through society and the political system. The education of the Spartan male children prove that the military and war was constantly a huge part of Spartan society, and the laws and systems that Sparta was governed by, only enforced the militaristic attitude into the society of Sparta. That the Spartans needed to be ready for war is proved by the discord between the Spartiate and the helots, who outnumbered and under ranked the Spartans. From birth Spartan children were expected to be physically strong and when male children were ten days old they were examined by a council of elders to see if the†¦show more content†¦When the children turned twelve they started a harsher training, teaching them the hardships they would have to suffer in a time of war. They trained nude, slept on beds of rushes, given a minimal amount of food and expected to fend for themselves. There were also contests to see who could take the most severe flogging. For the most part of these years the boys were arranged into groups, and were sent off into the countryside with nothing, and were expected to survive on wits and cunning. It was assumed that they would steal their food, yet anyone caught stealing was severely punished. The next stage in turning a Spartan male into a Spartiate soldier was for them to become enrolled as an eiren, or a prefect. Their job was to oversee the younger boys, as had been done for them. They were encouraged to use violence against the younger boys to toughen them up. The older boys were now expected to attempt to get into a syssition, however if they failed to get into the syssition they applied for they would lose their citizenship and become an outcast. The Spartans at this point were able to go to war and get married, however they were not allowed to leave the barracks. Once a Spartan reached the age of thirty,Show MoreRelatedAncient Greek And Modern Standards Essay1706 Words  | 7 Pageswon this Crown†These proud words were spoken by Cynisca, a noble Spartan women belongings to one of the two Spartan ruling families. What makes this quote so extraordinary by both Ancient Greek and modern standards is that Cynisca’s achievement in tethrippon , at the Olympics rebelled against popular Ancient Greek ideology of women’s role in society. Plutarch, in Lacaenarum ap-ophthegmata speaks of Gorgo .Daughter of Spartan King Cleomenes, as being outspoken in affairs that in any other GreekRead MoreSparta: Historically Unique -explains lifestyle/social structure/government of Spartans -explains why Sparta is unique -Bibliography and incorrect in-text citation included (should be fixed)1118 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout history the world has seen very few powers that have been quite as unique as the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta. Very few city-states of ancient Greece were able to rival the Spartan people. Their unique government, social structure, and way of life made t hem a viable force in the ancient world. It is for these reasons that Sparta has gone down in history as one of the most uniquely structured powers in world history, one that is observed by modern intellectuals and politicians, beingRead MoreOrigins of Athenian and Spartan Government Systems807 Words  | 3 PagesOrigins of Athenian and Spartan Government Systems Ancient Athenian and Spartan governmental systems were the pinnacle of ruling during its time. Although both city-states had extremely different styles of administration, it still nonetheless contributed a lot to modern society. The famous Athenian Democracy for example, lays at the foundation of numerous modern nations such as, The United States, Norway, and The Netherlands. While Spartan governing was centered on war, they incorporated variousRead MoreAthenian Vs. Athenian Society1114 Words  | 5 Pagesin what they valued and also how they lived their lives. Spartan and Athenian society were very different in many parts. The differences are what set these two apart, and the things they shared in common are what unified them as Greek city-states. Sparta and Athens shared similarities and differences in their systems of government, military, judgment and views of their women. In addition to this, the social gatherings of Athenians and Spartans that were also similar and differen t. Both Athens and SpartaRead More Athens VS Sparta Essay818 Words  | 4 Pagesarable land, the Spartans moved through their mountainous western frontier in hope of seeking a new spacious land to live upon. Their decision to change their home grounds put the Spartans in great danger as they found themselves entering into the fertile plain of Messenia. Fearing that they may be overthrown by power by the Messenian resistance and the helot status, the Spartans began to seek protection for their city-state and their citizens. In hope of protecting themselves, the Spartans began a newRead MoreAthens and Sparta Comparison1307 Words  | 6 Pagesgeographical isolation but they began with the same base of ideas on which to build. The Peloponnesian War was between the two over Sparta s fear of Athens growth of power, and especially the Megarian Decree, an Athenian economic sanction against the Spartan ally Megara. This sanction against the state would prove disastrous for its economy wi thout the wealth of the Athenian economy to augment their trade, forcing Sparta s war machine to spring to life. Ultimately the Peloponnesian War was over the ideologicalRead MoreAthens And Sparta Vs. Sparta883 Words  | 4 Pagestravel were difficult. The government of these two city states can be seen as a primary difference between the two. Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, and Cleithenes were four leaders that greatly influenced the political development of Athens. Athens and Sparta differed primarily in their political, social, and economical aspects. But there were other difference that Athens and Sparta share which I will examine in this essay. When it came to politics, these two polises could not be more different. StartingRead MoreThe Humanities : Culture, Continuity, And Change1529 Words  | 7 Pagesout to be more modern, civilizations. A civilization is a social, financial, and political substance recognized by the capacity to convey what needs be through pictures and composed dialect. Civilizations create when nature of a locale can bolster a substantial and beneficial populace. On the off chance that a civilization is an arrangement of association, a society is the arrangement of basic qualities religious, social, and/or political that administers that framework. In this paper, in view ofRead MoreAncient Greek And Greek History997 Words  | 4 Pagespolis known to modern history. They were unique in terms of political systems as well as its culture. Even though they had same cultural background such as same language or same religions, their political systems were very different. There were three types of pol itical systems adapted by ancient Greek. Athens had democracy while Sparta had Oligarchy. Corinth had Tyranny. The comparison between Sparta and Athens in terms of political system as well as cultural background will be discussed in thisRead More Culture and Technology in Athens and Sparta Essay1361 Words  | 6 PagesCulture and Technology in Athens and Sparta The culture of a society, as determined by its political, social and religious structure, is a major factor in the development of its technology. Even societies that exist in the same time and environment can progress in different directions, depending on the interests and goals of the public. The ancient city-states or poleis (polis-sing.) of Athens and Sparta provide an excellent example of how cultural differences influence the development of technologies
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Criminal Psychology - 660 Words
Argumentative Essay: â€Å"Violent video games directly correlate to violence in schools†Do violence video games actually affect children? What is the correlation between virtual games and violence at school? Most of the nowadays teenage activities and spending free-time resolves around technology. Not all the games are violent, but they all becoming more realistic. Some of the games are designed to learn something, some games develop abilities of fast reading, fast typing, driving a car, building from small farms to big civilizations, some promote to fight with enemies, rob banks or even kill people. I have also played several video games, from collecting cure flowers to driving crazy and killing people. Main consumers of video†¦show more content†¦Psychologists of Iowa State University have conducted a study, where the study shows that brief exposure to violent video games can cause a reduction in normal physiological reactivity to images of real violence. One of the researches Dr. C. Anderson has said that children play very â€Å"playful, fun, cartoonish fo rms of violence†and what is important to know is that, most of the violent games do not show what consequences can it lead to when kids while playing kill an animal, beat and kill people, use and abuse of alcohol or drugs, disrespect the law. Gentile Anderson (2003) state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game. This process of repeating in huge amounts is considered as an effective teaching method. (Add) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)Show MoreRelatedCriminal Psychology, And Forensic Psychology1490 Words  | 6 Pagesdifferent areas to study in the field of psychology, however, this assignment focuses only on criminal psychology. The research provided is a description of what is required to become a criminal psychologist; the information includes an in-depth look into â€Å"what a criminal psychologist is†. Types of educational and training background are required, such as what degrees are needed. The use of different assessment and intervention methods and what types of cases a criminal psychologist handles. Their workRead MoreCriminal Psychology : A Glimpse Into The Mind Of A Criminal1523 Words  | 7 PagesCriminal Psychology: A Glimpse into the Mind of a Criminal Are you interested in solving crimes, wanting to be part of the community, and help bring justice to families? Are TV shows like CSI and Criminal Minds intriguing to you? There’s a job that could suit your interests without all the blood and gore. Criminal/forensic psychology is a career for people interested in solving crimes and working to help people in the community. A forensic psychologist has many tasks that they might be involvedRead MoreCriminal Profiling, Criminal, And Forensic Psychology1226 Words  | 5 PagesCriminal profiling is another subject of criminal and forensic psychology, which is probably one of the oldest studies of forensic science. Criminal profiling has been called many things, such as behavioral profiling, crime scene profiling, criminal personality profiling, psychological profiling, and more recently even criminal investigation analysis. Criminal profiling’s history has come from a history of criminal behavior, the study of mental illnesses, and forensic examinations. Criminal profilingRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System And Psychology Essay1760 Words  | 8 Pages I WANT TO BECOME A CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGIST AND THIS IS WHAT I LEARNED Madelynn Krutsinger â€Æ' Introduction I’m double majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology because further down the road in my life I would love to be a Criminal Psychologist. I choose these fields because I love being able to understand why people do what they do. I want to understand why people do things a certain way, just looking at it in a psychological kind of way. Especially with criminals, what led them to murder thatRead MoreThe Mind : Psychology And Criminal Behavior2636 Words  | 11 PagesAll in the Mind: Psychology and Criminal Behavior Many people wonder why some people are able to do bad things, even when they know the consequences. To our normal brains there seems to be no reason for doing things like this. However, scientists have discovered that many criminal’s brains are not normal. Scientific studies show that a large majority of convicted criminals have some sort of psychological issue or problem in their brains, which has been shown to affect their behavior. To figureRead MoreForensic Psychology : Criminal Investigation And The Law2261 Words  | 10 PagesForensic Psychology The client is facing a lengthy sentence and their only hope is to plead mental insanity, their only hope is their forensic psychologist. The thrill of not knowing what will come of your day can be perfect for someone who craves adrenaline. Forensic Psychology is an unsung hero becoming recognized. One could wake up in the morning and have to travel or go to court and help decides someone’s fate. It may not be the most popular job or the career with the most recognition but forRead MoreA Brief Note On Forensic Psychology And The Criminal Justice System1270 Words  | 6 Pagesopposite reaction. For every crime, there is an equal punishment. The criminal justice system can be broken down into various different parts, all of which composed of people doing different jobs. While many people only know of common roles, there are many smaller jobs that are no less important. One critical job linked to the criminal justice system is that of a forensic psychologist. Forensic psycholo gy requires a background in psychology, but works primarily in the court system. Most of the time, a forensicRead MoreCriminal Psychology : Crime And Crime2074 Words  | 9 PagesIntroduction Criminal Psychology is a study of prisoners will, discipline ideology, intentions and reactions, and crime associated with anthropology. The main part of the in-depth study is about what causes crime problem, also comprising the reaction of people after the crime, on the run or in court. Criminal psychologist can also act as a witness to help the court understand the psychology of prisoners. Time over,our population is getting bigger and bigger. Therefore, our beautiful world producesRead MoreA Brief Note On Forensic Criminology And Criminal Forensic Psychology1351 Words  | 6 Pagessix major sub-specialties in forensic psychology: criminal, juvenile, civil, investigative, correctional, and police forensic psychology. Professionals working under each of them have unique roles, educational qualifications, responsibilities, ethical challenges, and controversial issues to confront. Similarly, there are various studies and seminal cases that have shaped the sub-specialties in differ ent ways. In most cases, they reflect changes in the criminal justice system in terms of admissibilityRead MoreCybercrime And Its Effect On The Youth866 Words  | 4 Pagessecond class upper honors in Psychology and sociology, I am now 29 years of age. To me the reasons for criminal behavior and breaking the law are varied and interesting, I feel this area needs more attention paid to it because it has a huge negative impacts on the youth for example the results of this causes high school dropout, jail time, fraud activities and others which derails the development of the society. This interest encouraged me to pursue a degree in psychology and sociology to know more
The Influence of Constructivism Free Essays
Determining the Influences of Soviet Propaganda on Contemporary Advertising and Promotion The purpose of this study is to look at the representation of political ideology on Soviet posters and the ways in which this style continues to influence today’s advertising and popular culture. Though there are many forms of propaganda the forms of propaganda I intend to discuss in this essay are visual. The areas I aim to further my understanding of are the representation of political ideologies on today’s contemporary popular culture. We will write a custom essay sample on The Influence of Constructivism or any similar topic only for you Order Now I intend to investigate the idea that the Constructivists created the blueprint for modern consumerism and methods of advertising. I will investigate semiotics and Marxism in context with my study. In today’s society of consumerist culture I think the topic of propaganda is interesting as I feel propaganda goes hand in hand with advertising. In today’s society we are relentlessly saturated with loaded words and images, for this reason I wanted to investigate the origins of consumerism and today’s advertising. The purpose of Soviet propaganda was to create a new type of world; Lenin wanted to remodel the world under Socialist Realism and visual propaganda played an important part in this. Using propaganda to influence people’s thoughts and actions by making them act on feelings rather than rational thought. I am going to investigate the idea that soviet Marxist ideology continues to influence To illustrate my idea I am going to discuss the semiotics of a Soviet poster designed by Alexander Rodchenko for Gosizdat (fig. ) in 1924 the poster is a typical example of the stark, distinct and timeless design of the era. The poster features Lilia brick, a muse of Vladimir Mayakovsky and later Alexander Rodchenko. The poster was designed as mass spread agitprop intended to spread the ideals of Socialist Realism with its vision of a widespread literate society. The simplified bold graphic is typical of the work produced during the Constructivist movement; the lack of decoration or of represen tational depiction of objects ties in with the movement’s aims to keep the production purely informative and functional. Art that fails to become part of life will be catalogued in the museum of archaeological antiquities†(Rodchenko The poster features a woman, Lilia Brick, wearing a kerchief; clothes of the proletarian workers. This design and its message was calculated so that the proletarian of Russia would relate and engage with the message the image conveys. The woman is shouting â€Å"Books†inside a trapezoid shape, as most of the population were illiterate it was necessary for the image to be understood visually. Pictures indeed could be more potent than writing because they ‘impose meaning at one stroke’ but semiotic communication could extend beyond both the verbal and the visual†(Visual Culture, Richard Howels, 2003, page 100) Personally, I think this is a timeless image but I don’t think it is very understandable without th e text. It is an example of the constructivist’s novel experiments with juxtaposition and photography. Contemporary posters and graphics are testament to the strength of design this age produced. To further illustrate my idea I am going to discuss the semiotics of three advertising images and compare them with the Gosizdat (fig. 1) 1924 Lilia Brick poster from the Soviet era, which they are derivative of. The images I will discuss come from a broad spectrum in popular culture. I will look at an image from a political campaign, a mobile phone advert and a popular indie band. In order to sell and appeal, it is my opinion that these products and ideologies have borrowed the connotations of power and directness that these Soviet posters command. A humorous take on poster from the Barak Obama campaign featuring a dog in the place of Lilia Brick became a hit on the Internet. This suggests the poster has widespread appeal on masse. The poster was not affiliated with the campaign. An example of the Gosizdat posters influential use in advertising can be viewed in a Greek advert for Vodaphone mobiles (fig. 2), here the semiotics are not entirely saying the same thing as in the poster designed for Gosizdat (fig. ), in this version it is depoliticised. The poster itself comes with an extra subtext thanks to its history; the viewer can take meaning from this as well as the intended message to advertise Vodaphone. â€Å"The art of the past no longer exists as it once did. Its authority is lost. In its place there is a language of images. What matters now is who uses that language for what purpose. †(Berger, 1972, p. 33) The anonymous woman in the poster is supposed to be shouting some sort of offer or Vodaphone; the anonymous woman in the poster is in black and white creating an interesting juxtaposition against the bright colour scheme. The image of the woman seems slightly more ‘cut-out and pasted in’ than the other example images. I feel this could be derivative of the Constructivists experimentation with photomontage. It is in a sense ironic that these posters are now being used to promote capitalism given that the political ideology at the time was to do with Communism. A statement made by art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon backs this up; he says in BBC4 programme The Art of Russia: Smashing the Mould â€Å"this was totally new to use words like this and that is one of the paradoxes that Rodchenko and Mayakovsky give to the West – the visual language of Capitalism†¦because they are inventing advertising†(M2 PRESSWIRE-10 November 2009-BBC: The Art Of Russia on BBC Four(C) 1994-2009 M2 COMMUNICATIONS RDATE:09112009) The second example of the influence of the poster for Gosizdat (fig. ) is in the album artwork for Franz Ferdinand’s 2005 album You Could Have It So Much Better (fig. 3). The semiotics suggests the same as with the last two reworks. The band reworked two other Constructivist posters for two more of their singles artwork; This Fire 2004 (fig 4) is derivative of the El Lissitzky poster Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge 1919 and Take Me Out 2004 (fig. 5) is a rework of Aleksandr Rodchenko’s One-Sixth Part the Wo rld Poster 1923 (fig 6). The illustrator and graphic designer Shepard Fairey who created the affiliated Obama campaign posters deliberately took inspiration from Soviet posters when creating the Obama Hope (fig. 7) poster. The work of Neville Brody further backs up the ideology behind the movement and that today’s designers draw much inspiration from Constructivism. Bold design and typography classic are time enduring. The semiotics of these images have connotations of empowerment. What matters is that design is a way of reflecting social undercurrents. The Futurists supported Mussolini, whereas Rodchenko was a socialist revolutionary. I draw a sense of dynamism and optimism with no intention of a political connotation. If you look at some of Rodchenko’s paintings, you’ll see he anticipated abstract expressionism by a good 50 or 60 years. It’s so abstract, it’s completely apolitical. Rodchenko was more about humanism and humanitarianism than communism. †- Neville Brod y. Another direct example of a Soviet posters influence on recent popular culture is the occurrence of Red Wedge in the 80’s, this collective of musicians wanted to inspire young people to connect with the politics of the Labour government and inspire them to take charge of their political opinions. A lithographic poster inspired the name for this movement: Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge 1919 (fig. 8); a poster designed by Constructivist artist El Lissitzky. The Red Wedge’ logo was also inspired by the poster and designed by graphic designer Neville Brody. In the 1980s there was a revival of politically fuelled art, Neville Brody reworked the typography of the Soviet era in popular magazine The Face (fig. 9). Jenny Holzier’s Protect Me from What I Want, 1998 (fig. 10) is sending out a political message in a very simplified way just as the Constructivists did. â€Å"Holzer writes messages which are not in â€Å"her†voice but in styles that mimic the anonymous voices of authority†government, education and advertising†(Toby Clark, Art and Propaganda, 1997, page 155) The film created in the time of Soviet Russia was also influential. It has had an affect on the film production and movie editing of today. The film Battleship Potemkin, a silent film directed in 1925 by Eisenstein is one of the first examples of evocative film editing and of propaganda in film, it served as a warning against rebellion toward the government, such was the influence of this film, people at the time of its release who viewed it believed these were real events. The films this influence is apparent in are The Untouchables and Brazil. In my opinion the imagery of the Soviet era is incredibly iconic and it is not surprising that it has been borrowed time and time again. It seems evident from the examples in the text that everything from companies and politicians and popular culture will continue to borrow some of the imagery and iconography that the Constructivists strived to create, it is interesting that the artistic movements at the time of the Soviet era are not known as well as some. I have come to the conclusion that Soviet idealism has influenced much of today’s culture though the message is obviously not the same. I think the much of the advertising inspired by The Constructivists is clever as it can tap into what makes an image iconic. Companies that use the Russia propaganda style of imagery are looking to give their product cult status and iconography. With reworking of the Soviet and Constructivist style the designers are borrowing some of that power. In a world where we are saturate by advertisements the ones inspired by Constructivism are most successful in my opinion. How to cite The Influence of Constructivism, Papers
Increase of Mental illness in incarcerated Persons in Australia
Question: Discuss about theIncrease of Mental illness in incarcerated Persons in Australia. Answer: Introduction Prisons in Australia are becoming a fostering centre for the mentally impaired people, who are the victims of an inadequate national support system. This, inadvertently, creates more criminalization (Segrave, 2015), causing increased rate in the prison population. Most of them are marginalized, without enough access to social amenities. Their poor mental health statuses, after the release from prisons prove that the incarceration brings only health depletion, and not any health promotion (Kinner et al., 2015). The mental health crisis and overrepresentation of prisoners pose challenges to the governmental institutions, as well as the community (Fleming et al., 2011). This essay attempts to probe into the causes of higher rate of incarcerated mental disorders. Incarcerated Mental illnesses The seriousness of this issue, and how this affects the society can be understood from the recent reports that the mental health problems in prisoners are greater than the mental health of the general population in Australia (Forsythe Gaffney, 2012). The current available data reveals that around 38% of the prisoners display mental health problems (Segrave, 2015), and that the women prisoners alone show a higher rate of 50%. Most of their illnesses show a link with substance use, teen runaway, and drug addiction, warranting gender responsive interventions (DeHart et al., 2014). The extant of worsening of the mental health problem is evident from the fact that 28% of the incarcerated people are aboriginals, while they share only 3% of the Australian population. Their deep sufferings, pain, and marginalization are crucial in the development of mental disorders. A recent study about the aboriginal prisoners has revealed that 86% of the women and 73% of men are prone to mental illnesses. The elements that aggravate women mental illnesses are childrens intellectual disability, mothers obstetric problems, low birth weight of babies, childrens malnutrition and lack of education (Korff, 2016). Causes of Incarcerated Mental illnesses The rate of mental health incidents in the criminal justice system is thrice that of the general populations rate. The attributes to the mental health impairment and crime are caused by disrupted family environment, abuse, drugs and alcohol, and housing problems (NSW Law Reform Commission, 2012). The troubles accompanying the incarcerated mental health issues raise questions regarding the purpose of imprisonment, its use, and the outcomes. These overwhelming factors have long term implications in political, social, and law and order systems (Segrave, 2015). The main causes of mental health issues in incarceration are social isolation, non-contact with kith and kin, unemployment, reduced confidence in family support, lack of social skills and education, substance use, and homelessness (Thomas et al., 2015)a. The criminal history, drug connected convictions, adolescence, gender, ethnic, and mental health support shortages are contributory to the re-incarceration (Thomas et al., 2015)b. Conclusion Australian prisons are overrepresented, and the rate of development of mental illnesses in the prisons has reached alarming proportions. Several factors, including socioeconomic problems contribute to this situation. The marginalization of the ethnic aboriginals and their resultant sufferings are pathways to incarcerated mental illnesses. Recent studies have proved that the mental health improvement facility shortages escalate mental health problems towards re-incarceration. The government should tackle these problems by increasing health support to the deprived people. Reference DeHart, D., Lynch, S., Belknap, J., Dass-Brailsford, P., Green, B. (2014). History Models of Female Offending: The Roles of Serious Mental Illness and Trauma in Womens Pathways to Jail. Psychology of Women Quarterly, vol. 38no. 1. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Fleming, J., Gately, N. Kraemer, S. (2011). Creating HoPE: Mental Health in Western Australian Maximum Security Prisons. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, Research Online. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Forsythe, L., Gaffney, A. (2012). Mental disorder prevalence at the gateway to the criminal justice system. Australian Institute of Criminology. ISSN 1836-2206. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Kinner, S. A., Young, J. T., Carroll, M. (2015). The pivotal role of primary care in meeting the health needs of people recently released from prison. Australias Psychiatry. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Korff, J. (2016). Aboriginal culture - Law justice - Mental health at its worst in prison. CreativeSpirits. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from NSW Law Reform Commission. (2012). People with cognitive and mental health impairments in the criminal justice system. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Segrave, M. (2015). The state of imprisonment in Australia: its time to take stock. The Conversation. Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Thomas, E. G., Spittal, M. J., Taxman, F. S., Kinner, S. A. (3015) a. Health-related factors predict return to custody in a large cohort of ex-prisoners: new approaches to predicting re-incarceration. Health Justice, Vol 3(10). Retrieved September 19, 2016 from Thomas, E.G., Spittal, M.J., Heffernan, E.B., Taxman, F.S., Alati, R. and Kinner, S.A. (2015)b. Trajectories of psychological distress after prison release: implications for mental health service need in ex-prisoners. Psychological Medicine, 46(3). Retrieved September 19, 2016 from
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